Look in to the mirror,
[ 5:13 PM ]
is that you or me?
Is that a shadow,
a reflection,
what do you see?
♥Listening to: Complication, Rookiez is Punk'd
♥Mood: neutral
♥Location: in the hall
Yesterday was great, finally did some shopping. Thank goodness we went to 313 or there goes the totally awesome wallet which my sister is going to pay for later. For now, it's just a large hole in my wallet screaming to be filled again. Not to mention there is still a hoodie pullover to buy. Who knows where to get cheap black pullover hoodies? In S'pore that is.
Anyway, DRRR just ended but there should be another season. Think about it. Why was Shizuo's brother mentioned in the opening if he isn't going to play a big part in the series? He hardly appears, so they must have a reason. Besides, Bakyura had it's first appearance at the last ending, weird much? PLus, the Orihara Twins whose information is on wiki hasn't even appeared yet so all you DRRR fans, be patient and wait! It might come out near the end of this year or the start of next. A good show shouldn't have it's production rushed or it'll turn out horrible. Funny how the song sung by ON/OFF isn't really good but the instrumental is hypnotic(No offense, but the opening of VK which is also by them is pretty boring).
What else.
Kida's seiyu is a wonderful singer, Linda Linda plus the special voice clip brightens up my day, always.
Ho hum.
Other than cramming homework and church(which Jasper gave a meaningful sermon on Youths and friends), there's nothing much. School awaits all students again but friends make it enjoyable. I miss my dongsaeng! Ah, and my unnie. Penpal away~ Till the next time.
P.S. I still love Kame, but Kida...you know. <3
P.P.S Who knows what are the proper codes to strike out words? Help?
Labels: ♥, bittersweet, frustrated., thank you
This one's for you.
[ 9:07 PM ]

Happy belated Birthday, my darling, my baby, I love you.♥
Labels: ♥, birthday.♥
Vamoose,I say.
[ 8:23 PM ]
A nymph and a swain to Apollo once prayed
The swain had been jilted, the nymph been betrayed
They came for to try if his oracle knew
E're a nymph that was chaste, or a swain that was true.
Be gone.
This mental fatigue is not easy to get used to, I must say. Where were the days when fatigue was like a deadly drug that pushed boundaries beyond limits? The gravitas expression that seem to be a wet blanket anywhere, an atmosphere avoided by most. Yet with tired eyes it yearns for some attention to stay awake, to be alive, to survive.
A phantasmagoria of ghosts and haunting creatures seen with closed eyes. Creatures with eyes of a black abyss that attempts to drain the life out of one whose life has already been claimed by earthly things. Draining life out of a shell only drains it's energy that it needs for a life. Morbid, but still sane. It's the truth, every word of it. The feeling of adrenaline flowing, heart pounding, vision blurring is cutting my life shorter by the minute. Masochism-it lives in everyone.
Art is once again robbing me of my life. It's quite the norm, actually. Tonight is going to be a sleepless night-there's just so much to do for Art. Hopefully after today, Art wouldn't be that demanding. My inexorable self refuses to give into human weakness.
Things to do:
Finalized design
Colour scheme for around 3/4 to half the alphabets
Development(models, manipulating into the alphabets)
Three things. Or at least the first and the third point. Summer break is ending soon, oh the joy-there's so many tasks to complete. An endless list of them, really.
Ciao, Art time.
Labels: bittersweet, deathly nightshade
Anywhere but here.
[ 7:19 AM ]
'cause it's getting too much to handle
every thing's blurring out
The red threads of destiny seems to be tangled in a bundle
Hey y'all, wassup?
Summer break's ending soon, a total of 112 days gone in a flash. It's just never enough, is it? Anyways, two weeks were spent in school so it wasn't much of a holiday after all. There's humanities, math, english and a little more science to finish, oh yeah. Not to mention Art. It's a killer, honest. Just imagine staying in school from 10am to 5pm for five days straight working on the same subject! There's still a ton of development to do, looks like Art has to come before sleep. The submission is in late August. Oh the horror.
On the bright side, Halley and I have officially became penpals! ♥ Like finally. It's difficult to chat online since our time difference is 12 hours. Sad, isn't it? Unnie, I'll visit you some day.
Just got my french tips done. Hopefully it lasts till the end of the week 'cause I'm kind of careless. The last time I tries, the french tips were ruined in a day and it took forever to dry in the first place. Moral of the story: avoid using faceshop white as it dries up fast. Sticky nail polish is a no go for french tips.
Other than homework, a couple of birthdays are coming-time for major present making sessions. Julyn's up first, on 5th July. The composition is done, just need to get some pictures before starting work.
Alright, time for some Art and Science.
P.S I got the cotton cap! <3
Labels: ♥
Kanra(you know who you are),
[ 5:05 PM ]
to celebrate me finding your site, Imma posting the best quote ever. This also deserves a new label! 8D
"It's too addicting, it's too addicting, it's too addicting! Even for an information broker like me there are things completely unknown to me happening and happening and appearing before my eyes and lapsing back into unknown every single day. That is why I can never ever leave the places where humans abound! Humans, LOVE! I LOVE HUMANS! I LOVE YOU ALL! THAT'S WHY YOU ALL SHOULD LOVE ME TOO! "
Labels: ♥, hallelujah~, Izaya♥, little miss random strikes again.
Nothing surprising.
[ 5:23 PM ]
Hi. Erm. The header picture's changed 'cause I simply love these two to death. Gamer's update; KH:COM is finally completed after what, two years? Never got the chance to play it until now. Thanks a lot, Dante. DMC 4 is out, yet another game to add to my to-play-list.
Here's a quick review of the game. The new battle system is pretty tricky and annoying but it does comes in handy during boss battles. While they are reloading their decks(which takes a while 'cause they have much more cards), heal and attack with all you've got. Unless you're fighting Marluxia, that's another story. Having played part of the GBA version, I was psyched to play it on ps2, since my GBA got crushed by a pile of books. IT WAS A GIFT, DAMMIT.
The only criticism is the camera angle. While the GBA allows full-view of the surroundings, ps2 only shows a small area. Especially when you're trying to find some way to heal when Sora's health bar is dangerously low. A darn heartless pops up and the game ends in a hit. Or, you just want to get it done and over with when suddenly, a heartless pops up from somewhere not in the screen. OR you just want to get somewhere, anywhere but the camera angle only allows you to see just that much.
Other than that, it was a very enjoyable 40+ hours. Monstro was my least favourite world in KH1 due to the many confusing rooms that all look alike. Thank goodness it was so much easier to get around with the room synthesizing.
The battles with Cloud, Maleficent, Riku replica (number 4) and Marluxia were the most adrenaline pumping moments ever. Cloud was pretty fast(slow compared to Riku) with strong physical attacks and sleighs. It took forever just to get past him, so much that Atlantica became a training area. Don't be an idiot like me by not reviewing your decks or Cloud is as far as one will and can go. Although his attacks maybe deadly, they are mostly avoidable, including Omnislash. Time it right and jump in another direction just as the blade's coming down to avoid. Sonic Blade is much easier to avoid. Take note of which direction he's heading and doge roll to the left or right of it.
Riku on the other hand was really challenging and one agile dude, supposedly the hardest boss battle in the entire game. Taking a defensive stance isn't the best idea after all since running around to doge his wicked fast attacks just to reload the deck is futile. The best is go for a balance. Have these in your deck, or something similar:
11-12 attack cards(with four to five nines and five zeros)
an elixir
four cure cards(includes a 'zero' cure to break sleighs)
one 'zero' ether
two hi-potions
three Cloud cards for Omnislash(a must for all boss battles)
Vexen card
Oogey Boogie card
two fire cards(Riku may be resistant to it but it does quite a hefty sum of damage for some unknown reason. It's a fantastic way to knock the life out of him or any 'boss' for that matter.)
Make sure Sora's around level 50 near sixty, you don't want to stock up too many cure cards as they take up a ton of CP. Use the Vexen card at the start of the battle just incase. Place the zeros to the back, followed by magic the attack cards. Get used to rotating to the zeros and attack cards for this is crucial. The most vulnerable moment is when one is rotating through the cards so do it quick. Try to break the most damaging sleighs/attacks-the up-close spinning attack is one of them, sneaky and does a lot of damage. Use Cloud's Omnislash(cards 1, 4 and 7 should do the trick) to pack a punch and Fira when he's running around. Riku releases a furry of sleighs when down to the last bar so hit him with all the sleighs possible. Using card by card at this stage is not advisable. Not only is it slow, Riku can card break you easily so think fast!
Maleficent is another pain. Stock up two to three blizzard cards and fire them to card break when she blows green flames. There's a trick to avoiding these flames actually. Either card break it or or run around the back left (or right but pick one side) and let that area be covered in flames while doging them. When she's done, run behind her to heal and attack from there. Break the stun attacks when ever possible, try not to get caught up in one. She starts out with two, then four-a major killer. Friend cards are advisable except for goofy, same goes for summons- just use the Mickey card first.
Swap the Fire cards for Blizzard before taking on Axel as fire heals Axel. Cloud cards are rendered as useless due to Axel's teleporting.
By now, Sora should be near seventy(Castle Oblivion is a great training ground-just re-synthesize a couple of doors. Have Firaga Ball on hand as well as Tornado. Make great use of Trinity Limit to end the battle fast.).
As for Marluxia, the imitation is just a warm up, don't get your hopes too high. Once the imitation's done, switch back to the same cards as when dealing with Riku but swap the Blizzard back to Fire. Change a couple of attack cards so as to have enough CP for the Marluxia card.
Marluxia has to be fought twice after entering the door, be forewarned. The usual, break Marluxia's sleighs and attack. Use Fira when he's out of range. Take note when he uses Doom where you have to match or break his cards- it's one of his sleighs. Break the sleigh or his cards if not, death awaits you. There's another sleigh that you must take note of: one where all your cards are scattered round the area, leaving Sora hopelessly vulnerable. If you're caught in this situation, do not despair. Auto-lock on Marluxia, hold the R3 button to scan and retrive the cards. When he uses a sleigh during this moment, break it with a zero. Make great use Cloud's Omnislash when fighting Marluxia's imitation and Marluxia himself, since there's only one target and it's not an easy sleigh to break. Before using Omnislash or any other powerfully deadly sleigh(eg. Lethal Flame, which is more damaging than Cloud's Sonic Blade) or Cures, use the Marluxia card to do that particular sleigh twice.
Unfortunately, I did not get the Sonic blade upgrate so Omnislash and Lethal Flame is the next best thing.
Time to play Riku's part.
[Edited on 19th, added more details.]
Labels: ♥, GAMER ALERT., random
Just like an addiction;
[ 12:43 PM ]

it turns all your attention to it,
takes away your life,
and leaves you in the dark abyss of your own world
♥Listening to: Super massive Black Hole, Muse
♥Mood: sick
♥Location: in the hall
It's been raining these few days and my body couldn't adapt the sudden change of weather. It's the holidays, summer break! What the heck, Mother Nature decides to bless me with a cold. A cold in the summer. Sweet, isn't it? Anyways, the rain took out morning run for today's schedule. What a bummer-I even woke up on time, just when the alarm went off! Other than that, I practiced a little keyboard to get back in gear for serving this Sunday. Going to get back to work after wasting so much time last night on diy-ing french manicured tips(yes, painting nails is counted as a wasted of time just this once) so i decided to snag my sister's opi purple. A solid colour is the best, enough said.
There's Math, English, Poa, sciences and Geog to do today, with some Art before turning it. I'm terribly afraid to start on my final work. What if I ruin it? There are spare boards courtesy of Mr Chen and SL, still... Oh well, a good start is half the battle won. There's also the observation to be done and finalizing the design too! Got to get all the menial things done first or nothing will turn up on paper. Cheers, still got to download Paramore's third album. Been straying further and further away from JKpop and more toward American rock and etc. Was it all part of the K-wave or just something that didn't kept my interest? Like Joey, spending too much time on fandom can be a bore. Perhaps it's time for a change of things?
Before I forget, gamer's update. ;D
I'm almost done with Sora's part in KH:COM, and I'm bursting with excitement to get my hands on the Riku reverse rebirth part. Hell yeah. On the other hand, GOW3 is coming out on PS3 so it's time to save up some money. KH: Birth by sleep and FF13 is also out on PS3! Doladola.
Labels: GAMER ALERT., LYna IN HER AWESOME WORLD., Masquerade., random update
Sunny days, rainy nights,
[ 1:53 PM ]

and lazy afternoons.
Hello everyone,
It's been a while. The second week of the holidays are here and time is running out. O-levels are this year and I'm not sure if I can stay sane. Gosh, there isn't much to say actually since it was something like house-arrest after Chinese O-levels. Apparently some people think it's alright not to have a break but devote all spare time to revising, preparing for exams. Hello? Humans aren't robots. Even so, robots need maintenance too or they'd malfunction and go nutty. Even caffeine fails as an energy booster now, instead it does the exact opposite-a sleeping pill.
Other than facing words and numbers, freedom took me in when my parents went on a vacation. Had a sleepover at Kylie's, went out with XH to search for hoodie printing materials, cycled and had a whale of a time at East Coast and recently went boy watching at streetfest.
While on a mission to complete that day's shopping list, Jill and I stumbled upon two people cosplaying Sakura and Kakashi. Gosh, he was so hot. ♥ Took a couple of photos with other cosplayers after and fail!stalked a Ventus cosplayer who ruined the rest of my day. Even if half the costume's off, can't you, a fabulous cosplayer satisfy this fangirl's need by taking just one photo? It's not like one's soul would be trapped in a camera for the rest of eternity, yes?While stalking, the full costume was on and only when there was an opportunity to take a photo, half the costume's off. Oh well.
According to Bel, his name is Zander Valentine(on facebook that is). Yet he denied that the person in the photo is him, saying that he didn't attend streetfest. The sky would fall if those words were true.
Funny how almost half of this post seems to be about one persontopic. 77th Street, wait for me-that cotton cap is mine.
P.S. Here's the picture of that cutie(on the far right)~ ♥ his eyes.
Labels: ♥, update/ rant