Back track.
[ 12:10 PM ]
♥Listening to: Never Again, KAT-TUN
♥Location: That same old computer room.
Not really on hiatus but still on hiatus. That doesn't make much sense, does it? It's like, I'll still blog daily, more or less and if I don't, that means I'm doing Chinese. The hiatus is still on for my LJ though as I doubt I'll have enough time to manage both. ;A;
There won't be much updates during June other than the awesome Movie Marathon with the JK gang 'cause today, we just got a mountain load of homework. Kind of expected that anyways, since I intend to bury myself with revision for 'O's and EOYs.
Let's see. Today was alright, nothing special other than the Founder's Day mass. It was just pure happiness. Singing hymns, giving thanks and praise to God no matter what we got for MYEs. Came to school just in time before our discipline mistress started yelling at those who were late. Yet another AKAME-LESS day.
It feels awful to be Akame deprived, like a piece of my life is missing somehow.
Then came the two little devils who started doing what they do best. Their targets: Michy and I. Lifting of pinafores, poking/stroking sensitive areas, the usual. Darn, I wasn't wearing my shorts today. *cries*
Once mass was over, we gathered back in class to rearrange the tables for the Parent Teacher Dialogue tomorrow and disinfected the tables and chairs. Ms Wong and the class were telling lame jokes to kill time while waiting for Lotte-chan, Sujee and the pile of holiday homework to arrive.
When everybody settled down, Ms Wong gave out our report books to let us have a peek. I was shocked, disappointed, surprised then ecstatic. Shocked because my EMB3 didn't look like what I was expecting. Disappointed 'cause my grades dropped a lot from last year's EOYs. Surprised, no, EXTREMELY SURPRISED 'cause I didn't drop much in position. Ecstatic 'cause I couldn't believe that my EMB3 was so low. Looks like I'm safe.
Ms Wong then said something about our cliques, that it was disappointing and frustrating for our class to be split up into smaller groups, when our class is already so small. Infact, we're the second smallest class in the WHOLE school. Awesome, no?
She said("you'd better look back! She said you'd better look back! She said you'd better look back, whatever you say!" Sorry, random KAT-TUN-ness) that we should be leaving out people. That hit me hard, like seriously. Sure, she isn't one of the best people to hang out with in class, but that doesn't mean I have to be so mean to her. After going through it, I should have known better than to treat her like that. I know how it feels like to be in that position, to be disliked so much by the class.
So, my new goal for this year is to be nice to her, but not to the extend that I leave my clique(hopefully she won't be as clingy). NEVER.
JK GANG WILL ALWAYS BE THE JK GANG. Forever bound together to be so in love with JK. ♥
Went to look for Mr Lim to discuss about some CIP matters but left the school after that. Unfortunately, he and the other Art teachers left some time ago.
Oh, almost forgot.
♥FAREWELL TO MS LOW, MRS ZAILEE, MR MARCUS HO and the other Art teachers who are leaving.To Ms Low, thank you for always being so kind and patient with not only the GAP students, but also to the AA members. Without you, this CCA wouldn't have existed. May you succeed in whatever you do and think of us always. :D Do come and visit us once in a while okay?
Going to print out some stuff, do some chores, then get started on Chinese. ;D
Labels: stressed, unsatisfied
What an awesome day!
[ 9:06 PM ]
Listening to: Secret Code, DBSK and Break The Records, by you and for you, KAT-TUN
Oh yeah, recently I got the whole Secret Code album and I'm so loving it. Anyways, today's an awesome day. Well, the awesome-nest only started towards the end of Math lesson which was the last lesson of the day but whatever. Awesome time in school = awesome day.
The only not awesome part was that the school changed the criteria for secondary 5 through train. Now we have to
pass English, Math and three other subjects. Thing is,
all five of them must add up to less than 20. It won't be much of a biggie if you actually did well for MYEs but I didn't this time 'cause I noticed a pattern. Being complacent and stuff, when the EOY results are awesome, next year's MYEs won't be as awesome.
Oh well, look on the brighter side, we have a few months(THE WHOLE OF JUNE! :D) to buck up! Joey love, don't worry so much 'kay? You rock at Math, and you know it. ♥
Since Lotte-chan(and Tiffany and Chelsea) didn't come to school today, so it was purely YUNJAE, YUNJAE all the way. The class was not as noisy either. ): Seriously, it was Akame-less and you have no idea how deprived am I of it right now. The only Akame thing was that CT and I started 'vandalising' ourselves by writing Yunjae(for her) and Akame(for myself) on our hands.
The only pen that wouldn't really smudge was the really expensive purple pen. The pink version is sort of running out of ink, meaning that I have to make a trip to Popular again. 'Akame' is still there, looking good in purple. ;D
Started off the day with PoA I think, followed by SS. Tonnes of holiday homework to do. Oh yeah, almost forgot. Speaking of SS...
Ms Ong gave us the second period free yesterday and guess what? GUESS! ;D
Well, Huijie asked Lotte-chan to ask Ms Ong who she like from KAT-TUN. She pointed at JIN! AKANISHI JIN! <3>
Taguchi Junnosuke
Shim Chang min
Can you tell who is who? ;D
If you really can't then just bring your mouse over to the bottom of each picture and try highlighting. You should be able to see the names below. Shocked? Well, they're not related! At all, no kidding.
Anyways, back today. Had a 'delish' recess. People had me surrounded with such good food the aroma filled the air. If it wasn't for my debts and health conciousness I would have dived right into food paradise. Looks like my awesomely awesome(IT IS! :D) Maple Pecan Crunch cereal would have to do. It was so tempting that the only thing I could look at was the pillar right in front of me. There weren't any tables so we had to stand this time. Burn more calories.
Had Chinese, where we went through papers. My comphre's improving but that was because two dictionaries were in front of me at all times when I was doing the papers. An electronic one and the usual, extremely heavy, slightly torn and tattered paper dictionary. Since Lotte-chan and Tiff weren't here, Joey and I sat at their places this time round and was ruthelessly tortured by the few holigans behind us.
They thought by throwing paper balls at us would actually hurt. LOL. Kidding, they aren't that stupid. XD We sorta got distracted, well they did and found joy in such things. So, we just sat there and became their targets for the second half of the lesson. Oh whatever, we just left them alone to do what they do best. HAHAHA.
Math was alright, then we got high when Joey, Cheryl Tan and I rewrote the Nobody lyrics to give it a yunjae touch. ;D We ended up making up many careless mistakes here and there. HAHA.
Went to have lunch with Joey, CT and Michelle at I forgot where, but it was hella expensive(to moi that is). If we keep going to Bakerzin and Orchard, we would be broke. Not to mention I owe Lotte-chan *ahemahemahem*.
Ate yet another delish meal(no pictures though. D:) and that pig Michelle was having loads of fun adding loads of cheese on to her rice thing. It was Pizza Hut all over again man. This time we didn't need to help her, it was self service. XD
The service was quite good, compared to Pizza Hut at tp. Only thing that we had complaints about were the food proportions and water. There was like, thin film of who knows what on the water and the noodles, no matter how delish it was, was indeed too little. They didn't even know what was 'sumimasen' when we called for the bill.
After lunch, we sat there discussing about the Yunjae version of Nobody. It was hella funny. later in the song, hyunjoong might appear and maybe even Akame. HAHAH. We decided to continue tomorrow when Lotte-chan's feeling better. ;D
Left the place at four-ish and went our seperate ways at the MRT. Joey and CT took the MRT while Mich and I took the bus home. We talked about BoF and sorta lost track of the stops so she missed hers by one. SORRY MICHY. D:
Went home, been using the computer since. Oh after dinner, I was such a smart ass. Being the KAT-TUN fan I was, I did the DUES dance after eating dinner and gosh. That was wrong. Stomach was hurting for like, an hour?
Anyways, tomorrow's like Founder's Day, so we get to leave school at 1040, which means, MORE TIME TO DO CHINESE! :D And I can photocopy the paper 2 answers if I find Loa shi fast enough. ;D
Cheers, time to do a lil something something for the class, then hit the pillows.
Labels: bittersweet
Forgotten Season.
[ 5:04 PM ]
You don't want to listen to this anymore,
these scattered, broken melodies,
this lonely song that reminds you of your heart.
stolen away so long ago, you think-so long ago, and you never got it back.
School was alright, I guess. My appa woke me up at 3am so that I can finish my Chinese homework before leaving for school. Although it did take me a long time to finish it, it felt great to actually complete a paper 2 for the very first time. Yes, the very first time.
After going to school yesterday having nothing but Chinese lessons for two whole hours, I'd expected it to be the same for today. Unfortunately, the life of a sec four is not all fun and games. Lessons sort of resumed today, with all the stress piling on us, crushing us to oblivion. But I have to say that Geography was interesting today. you have no idea how much I missed the way Mrs Tan prances round the class, being a little child-like, to be honest.
With random giggles from Lotte-chan, Joey and myself when she mentioned the word 'everybody', all thanks to Akanishi Jin when he changed the lyrics of Haruka Yakusoku and pronounced 'everybody' as 'everyvovry'. I literally LOL when I saw the video yesterday! So it became my lil happy pill now and then.
Ah, Chinese was the hand spazzing moment. There were so many things to copy and Joey being Joey spaced out most of the time and could not copy fast enough. YOU OWE ME YO. HAHAHA.
Hmm, English was back to normal. The usual comments and going through of the paper. Now, thing was, when I came back, the JK gang(which consists of Lotte-chan, Joey, Cheryl Tan and myself) with a few other semi JK fans were crowding round a table. Apparently they were looking at some magazine. When I came over, Lotte-chan went "SHE'S HERE! SHE'S HERE!" and I was pushed away by Michelle, jokingly of course. Whatever the case, I lost my balance but managed to stable myself thanks to the nearby tables.
Filled with curiousity, I tried my best to get a peek of the magazine. No doubt there was some KAT-TUN in there when CT mentioned Aka and Kame. The front cover had about three figures(?). I thought I saw Jin with short hair(that's kind of impossible) , Kame and someone whom I could not recognized neither can I see him clearly to do so. In the end, they covered it with a picture of a random monster doodle.
CT said that she would pass the magazine to Lotte-chan 'cause she won't get all high over them like Lotte-chan and I. Even after when they're done with it the magazine was no where to be found. Not that I'm pissed off or anything but to be KAT-TUN deprived is really not good for the soul. D:
At least I know that Jin wants his first child to be a girl. It was the only thing CT blurted out by accident. HAHAHAHA.
Oh, here's a picture of Jin that I though I saw on the cover page. ;D

Random question: Am I an emo little kid? :/
Labels: exam time yo
[ 2:55 AM ]
Just going round and round till we meet again.
[ 10:06 PM ]
Aish. Sun burnt.
Anyways, it started off with the awesome IJ Spirit Day, where they ended it with a BIG BANG!( no, not G-dragon and TOP that BIG BANG ;D) A concert-ish like performance, telling us to go and enjoy IJ Fiesta. When it eneded, we just stoned 'cause no one could really make out the lyrics so the peeps were like, "GO FOR IJ FIESTA! LEAVE THE HALL, GO NOW!"
Lotte-chan and I went to get some food. Okay not some, but a lot of food. Spaghetti was first, followed by Nachos and cheese. Lotte-chan and I were looking at how Joey was working. Her expression was priceless.
Anyways, we had to gobble the Nachos up as we were on our way to pick the elderlys for an hour of fun at our school's annual carnival. Then we realized that we could have just shared a box instead of getting on each. HAHAHA. Tiff and Gwen had to help us to finish it. Thanks loves. :D
It was actually three to one, so Lotte-chan, Gwen and myself were one team and the rest another. Then Tiffany found another elderly to take care of, so we had to split into two. originally, lotte-chan and I were one pair but the lady that was paired with Gwen was asking about some pink slip of paper so we got separated.
In the end, I was paired up with Gwen. The lady that we took care off decided to join her friend who was paired up with Yuan May and Mellisa. Awesome-ness, no? Each elderly was given $10 to spend and they spend it all on food(obviously). We talked about their family,to what they like to eat and ect. From where we were seating, I could spot Lotte-chan 'cause of her UBER bright yellow house tee even if she was wearing her pinafore.
Once my watch said 1230, we brou- actually, Gwen brought her back'cause I had to start on my shift. 1245-245, my two hours long shift. It was alright at first, then my feet started to hurt and there weren't many customers. Some Lunch shift that was. Pfft.
Headed over to the Nachos and Cheese stand to disturb Lotte-chan. Her collar bones are really fun to touch, as in her reactions are just extremely fun to watch. Even after seeing it who knows how many times, it cracks me up. Oh, and she screams EXACTLY like Jin when someone touches his collar bones. The pitch, the reaction, all the same. XD
The shift was practically a test of your voice, to see how loud you can shout.
We shouted(okay I shouted) for Ice lollies and Bandung too. Katrina at the Ice lollies stall which was right beside us helped us by shouting too and in return we shout for them. Shanice and sara were nice enough to let me have a few sips of their drink. Frep and Milo = awesome-ness.
There isn't much to play this year, due to lack of funds I guess. Dunking machine was nowhere to be found but things like Dino Island, Bunjee Run and Human Target were some new games. If only there was Bungee JUMP. Lotte-chan and I would be the first few in the queue yo. ;D
Speaking of bungee jumping, I bet Maru didn't jump at today's concert. ): Just jump already! It is said that he has this card thing, which he can pass to anyone in KAT-TU and they will take over him for the jump. In return, Maru has to do what he says.
During my shift, I hopped over to nachos a couple of times and served quite a number of customers. Unfortunately, Wern, Jac and Hui weren't able to make it today. Gosh, I miss them to bits. ;A;
Once my shift was over, I flew to the ARC stall to buy two of their badges(the 'Chope' one and the 'They are watching you' one), went to find Tricia and dragged her to the stall to do her shift. The moment she was there and was settled down, I headed over to Nachos again to remind Lotte-chan about her shift being over and that I was heading up to get my nails done. Lotte-chan was eating nachos so Gwen said that I sounded so bimbotic. Lotte-chan thought so too. XD
My apologies to those sec thress which had to take all my random crappiness. But seriously, their nail polish SUCK. That quality is horrible. They could have gotten the sec fours to do that stall. We are so much more capable of doing a good job. At least the company was good. Chatting with the scholars did make my day. Their nail service didn't. In the end, I did my own nails and helped one girl do her nails.
Went down to help clear the remaining sphagetti when they changed the price from 2 dollars to one plate, it was 1 dollar for one plate. ;D Shouted once more AND BOY. Throat is currently very dry.
Finally, we cleared all of it but half an ice box. The PSG made a little too much this year though. Went home, showered, ate, updated for a while, fellasleepon the sofa AGAIN, woke up and painted the second coat for my white nail and re pinted the other white nail.
Labels: FIESTA
Games Day '09
[ 8:32 PM ]
Today was awesome!
Class 4/5 '09 won 2nd for Netball and Captains ball. To prove it we received a certificate which will be hung proudly on the back of our board, once it's put up and all.
Before Games day started, we learnt an aweosmely cool dance for warm up. It was the same guy as before and gosh, JOEY YOU MISSED OUT ALL THE FUN. The dance was easy to learn and it went really good until one starts to be more aware of one's surroundings. DANCE like nobody's watching and you have no idea how much fun you can actually have.
Games Day started with Badminton. We lost but at least we did our best. The first(and last) match was against 4/5. Lotte-chan swapped with Hui Ying for doubles so Hui Ying and I were singles against Tennis players(the Tennis captain and Tennis reg). Thing is, if you're good at Tennis, Badminton is as easy as pie. Apparently, they know how to make pie, ne?
First up was the singles match. Guess what? I was up first and gosh was I a nervous wreck. My hands couldn't stop trembling. It was so bad that I couldn't even pick up the shuttercock properly. Not onlyly that, 4/4 went like hit, hit, smash and y'all know how much I fail at smashes.
In the end, Hui Ying was our only hope but that hope was crushed when she lost too.
Doubles and singles(Hui Ying): 7-9
singles(myself): 6-8
Oh whatever. If we actually practiced, I bet we would have won yo. :D So, BEWARE. 4/5 IS GOING TO OWN GAMES DAY NEXT YEAR! *insert evil laughter here*
Netball was extremely intense.
The best match was with 5/1, although we thought that they would be more aggressive after we won the Basket ball match just before the match against them for Netball.
It turned out to be a really friendly match and we had tonnes of fun playing wth them. Even those watching had their fair share of fun. ;D
At one point of time, Chelz cheered Lotte-chan on by saying that her Japanese idol was coming to see her, so I shouted, "AKANISHI JIN!" and the others echoed "AKANISHI! AKANISHI!". You how WAs(wing attackers) aren't allowed to step into the semi circle, no? Well, she almost fell in upon hearing Jin's name. HAHAHA.
The match against 4/4 and 4/1 were the most intense of them all. The match with 4/4 were the semi finals while the match with 4/1 were the FINALS! :D
Our players were exhausted from playing match after match after match(one disadavantage of having a small class) but we cheered them on like hell to the very end(one very good advantage about having a small class: we bond easily! ;D). 4/4 was a little rough, but we won!
As for 4/1, they sort of figured our how we play and strategised. They won, but whatever. ;D You gain more from losing than winning, and we did. Our class was more united than ever and we got a great work out too! Not to mention the awesome experience.
To end off Games Day, we shouted a the usual three cheers for 4N classes 'cause they rock. Oh yeah. ;D After that we had the results (4/6 won BASKET BALL! :D) and stayed back for the final session of Rainbow Corn Genetics.
Mine was pollinated.
Headed to Pizza Hut with Lotte-chan, Cheryl Tan and Mich to grab a bite. Cheryl tan and I didn't had anything despite feeling hungry. Thing was, that it was around evening and if we were to have a proper meal, there goes our dinner.
Mich LOVES cheese. A lot. So we, being bored started adding loads of cheese onto whatever Mich was eating. From the pan pizza, to her bread sticks. We added so much to the point that it seemed like it was snowing cheese! By the time we left, the FULL bottles of cheese was down to half. HAHAHA. Mich got diarrhea later that day. Who wouldn't? XD
Once we paid the bill...oh. SPEAKING OF THE BILL. The three of them were hilarious. They kept counting to make sure they gave the right amount/ received the right change. Mich was a typical Singaporean. She even wanted to get back ten cents from the Pizza Hut-ers. HAHAHA.
We got a little thirsty and went to KOI to get ourselves something to drink. Lotte-chan and Cheryl Tan were so fascinated by the machine used to shake the drink(I too, had the smae reaction but kept it to myself). When Cheryl missed the time her drink was being shaken, Lotte-chan exclaimed, "It's shaking!" when it was shaking her drink. It was seriously a LOL moment there.
It was like watching little kids in a toy store. XD
Said our 'good bye's at the MRT station. Took the bus home, showered, downloaded Never Again and Jumpin' Up, had a delicious dinner, and fell asleep on the sofa. Woke up at 11pm and went up to hit the pillows. IJ Fiesta tommorrow! Like FINALLY! :D
Labels: bittersweet, FIESTA
Hiatus post01
[ 10:17 PM ]
It was *toot* annoying today. The *toot* loud construction workers were making so much *toot* noise during Math class today. *toot* them all man. At least *toot* do it after school or something and not *toot* disturb us.
Is still feeling kind of annoyed but whatever, today's more or less over.
Even after going through 26 pages on photobucket, I've yet to find a suitable picture for my banner. Unfortunately, time isn't on my side today. After completing most of Lotte-chan's card, it was around 9pm and there's still Chinese homework to be done. Not to mention that I'm extremely tired now.
Time to hit the pillows and get up, all refreshed and ready to go at 330am.
Labels: frustrated., rant, stressed
[ 6:44 PM ]
[ 12:34 AM ]
Don't be complacent after receiving a few praises(that's the worst thing ever).Work harder, no slacking. June is a time to study, not a time to play(excluding the movie marathons).Chinese 'O's are in two weeks, so buck up and get it done once and for all. Chinese workbooks, here I come.English and Math prelims are coming soon, so do well and pour all your energy for the remaining subjects.After Lotte-chan's card is done, prepare for 'O's and Prelims.Oh, the stress. The pressure.
Goodbye freedom. What I'll miss the most would be hanging out with my loves, losing track of time as always,
coming up with believable excuses for our parents...
Now they are just memories, being stashed away until needed.Labels: ...
[ 9:13 PM ]
The school looked so 'beautiful' today. .__.
Hell no.
[ 7:12 PM ]
For this whole week, it's checking of scrips, briefings, Games Day and a couple of intensive MT lessons and some normals lessons squeezed in between. But for the following week, it's hell for us.
Followed by something(I forgot what it was) then talks given by our principal and vice principal on Friday, which is the last day of school before the June holidays start.
Once that paper is over, gosh. MOVIE MARATHON! :D Seven movies(Subaru, Threads of Destiny, UP, Night at the Museum 2, Ice Age 3 and Transformers 2) to catch on three different days. That's a lot of money, not to mention Lotte-chan who just told me that Kino's selling KAT-TUN photo books. The newest one is Kami no Shizuku which is around A4 size and some concert one, A5 size.
Come, say it with me. B-R-O-K-E. Either some kind soul *ahemchurchiesahem* decides to get it for me or it will run out. Ah, or I can ask my godmom to get it for me, along with the 4gig memory card for my phone. That may be too much, so I guess my parents can get the 4gig memory card for me then.
Ah. Here's the timetable, for easy reference.
18th may(Monday)
0745-0820 Contact Time
0820-1410 Checking of scripts
19th May(Tuesday)
0745-0820 Contact Time
0820-1415 Checking of scripts
20th May(Wednesday)
0745-0820 IJ Fiesta Briefing
0820-1040 Checking of scripts
1150-1335 Intensive MT lessons
21st May(Thursday)
0745-0820 Statement of Exp Briefing
0820-0930 Games Day Briefing
0930-1300 Games Day
1300-1335 Results and debriefing
22nd May(Friday)
IJ Fiesta('nuf said)
25th-28th May(Monday to Thursday)
0745-1335 Intensive MT lessons
29th May
0745-0930 Founder's Day Mass
0930-1005 Talks by Principal and Vice Principal
1005-1335 IDK. D:
Today's update:
Woke up at 6.45am thanks to Yorokobi no Uta (some how, Miriotic just can't wake me up) for my morning run, showered, went to church. My oppa was the worship leader today. GOOD JOB! Bon said that I looked nice today. Thanks love!
Thing is, it's the shoes that I want y'all to look at. THE SHOES(the glossy! ;D). The three of us, my mom, sis and myself went shopping and spent who knows how much at one go.
After wearing the shoes for a couple of hours, I came home with three blisters. Two from yesterday and one from today. The one on my right became worst and it started bleeding. Thank goodness there was a plaster there. The other two on my left isn't as bad but it still hurts.
Service was great, lunch was alright. I saw Enbei and showed her my dimples. Muahaa~
Also, if there's no one to talk to or there's someone watching me eat, my plate would be cleared in about 10-15 minutes, like today.
Went to Popular to get some things for Lotte-chan's belated birthday card and went home in my appa's car while listening to KAT-TUN.
Got home, sorted out the pictures for Lotte-chan's card, and started working on the composition, but failed. Going to work on it after school, at the library and not at the comfort of my home as my computer doesn't have PHOTOSHOP.
Been using the computer ever since.
[edit, 11:05]
Changed my blog song to It's You by SUJU. Blame Joey for that. HAHAH. We practically went SUJU and KAT-TUN high-ness just now. Next blog song: Harukana Yakusoku by who else other than KAT-TUN? ;D
Ah, it's time to hit the pillows. I'm hallucinating, a very bad sign. Morning run of six rounds tomorrow, can't wait. ;D BURN BABY BURN.
Labels: bittersweet
[ 12:18 AM ]
CKT and Kami no Shizuku deprived. D:
[ 10:04 PM ]
It was not so bright but it didn't looked like it was going to rain any moment, so I left the umbrella at home.
Woke up at 8.30 due to the heat. Despite the strong wind coming from the fan, I woke up perspiring. There wasn't a need for
Pierrot today then. After applying another layer of top coat I went looking for what to wear and ended up with my usual. Blue top with a yellow tube to match and a grey knit cardigan to protect myself from the cold.
There wasn't much to choose from as my wardrobe was getting old. Even though MYEs are over, there was still the money problem, meaning no shopping. *cries* Seriously, I NEED TO GO SHOPPING. CLOTHES, SHOES, MAKE-UP, ACCESSORIES.
Still, I don't regret spending so much money on KAT-TUN 'cause they are just awesome. Top few things on my shopping list are:
-4 gig phone memory card
-KAT-TUN's Break the Records(limited edition version)
These are the main ones. The memory card and album are tied for first on my list, while the suspenders are the second.
Ah, as I was saying. Since there wasn't much to choose from I picked my usual, showered, changed, ate cereal and milk for brunch and went to the computer to search for more songs. This time I downloaded three more:
Special Happiness,
Jumpin' up and
Moving on. Pity
Le Ciel doesn't have an original. The fangirls are getting on my nerves.
Left the house at 11 which was totally unnecessary as it only took me about half an hour to get to Orchard MRT. Thank goodness I was in the right mind to not clear the PVs from my phone or I'd have nothing else to do other than listening to their songs. Saw Joey at 1150 something with make-up on and realised that I left my lip gloss at home. Darn.
Lotte-chan came soon after and oof we went, to Cine. :D It wasn't surprisingthat Lotte-chan wore something stripey. She absolutely LOVES stripes. ;D
Chatted about random things and KAT-TUN, while the both of them complained about how much their feet hurt. New shoes. Meh. When we entered Cine, the first thing we spotted was this Korean mini mart and they sold PLASTERS at a very low price. A dollar for who knows how many. It was so worth it.
Before going in, Joey saw some cute looking guy in some trailer and indeed, he was cute. The trailer was from the movie, Threads of Destiny(it was aka something and so, Joey and I said almost simutaneously, Akanishi Jin. Lols). we saw tonnes of other movie trailers! Like Monsters vs Aliens, Subaru, UP and loads more. So we decided to like, have a movi marathon. Can't for June to come yo. ;D
Speaking of Subaru, have y'all noticed that the song playing in the background is DBSK's
Bolero? The three of us literally went high and started singing the chorus. Another beautifully sad song which is going to be my next blog song for the second time.
Bought our tickets and sat down at the nearest table, while the two of them changed plasters. HAHA. More wondeful trailers which made us even more excited for June. Before the room/hall whatever you call it opened, we sat outside taking some random photos and more KAT-TUN. Just as we went in, the counter where you buy all the popcorn and stuff was closed so we had to go out, go down a level to get our popcorn. it was so EMBARRASSING. XD
ANGELS AND DEMONS IS A GREAT MOVIE. Though a little scary but not THAT scary. Shall not spoil the movie for the people who are going to watch it tomorrow. *ahemchurchiesahem*
The three of us were like, noisy during the movie. We were like, toot-ing(substitude for our 'colourful' language) 'cause some of the parts did scare us and Joey went to hide herself behind the large bag of popcorn that we were sharing while I used nothing but my hands. D:
There was this other guy who was diagonally above my left who fell asleep during the movie and was snoring like a steam train. Not to mention the IJ girls who wore vagina belts.
Happy ending, no doubt. After the movie, we went to Heren's HMV to look at some JKpop, then off to 77th street to shop for suspenders( the ones that Kame wore in the
Signal PV making). I seriously want those suspenders yo. Get it for me and I'll love you yo. :D
Left the place even though it was raining. It wasn't a problem for the both of them as they had hoods. My knit cardigan did nothing to save me from the rain. NOTHING. Not that I was drenched or anything but to walk in the rain is just annoying.
Took the train back and we somehow started talking about DongbangKAT-TUN. Then we concluded that Ueda would be the odd one out since there were only five members in DBSK. Just a little too quiet and mysterious, but he's getting hotter, no doubt about that. It's just the, just the hair.
We were practically laughing at the thought if Taguchi were to meet Changmin. They really look alike, to the point that Lotte-chan and I mixed up both of their names. Even I, who has a TVXQ calender on my wall saw Changmin as Taguchi. As in, I can differenciate the both of them but since it's KAT-TUN here and KAT-TUN there, Changmin's name hardly pops up and well, yeah. but he's still a major cutie. ;D
Lotte-chan missed her stop 'cause of the Taguchi and Changmin thing, so she had to get off at tp and switch trains. Said our 'goodbyes' and went off. :D
TODAY WAS LOVE. I tend to make things sound boring(unless I update it the moment I get back), but really it was extremely fun today. I wouldn't have spent it any other way. Thanks loves. <3
Taken from Joey's blog. ;D
went to watch angels and demons with charlotte and melina today. it's a nice show, but damn. some parts were way too scary for me. i kept hiding behind the packet of popcorn. the way the popes-to-be died, was way too much for me, especially the one who died in the fire. zomfg poor guy. he died like, the way those people in the past killed christians. tied to the cross, and burned alive. and and and. can't believe that the priest was actually the culprit. i mean, he was one of the better looking ones in the show. GAH.→ there's alot of movies to watch! alright! we've got.....1. subaru (a must-watch! because of bolero and well. it's a sad show. 8D)2. threads of destiny (because it's rather similar to koizora.)3. monsters vs aliens4. blood : the last vampire5. transformers 2
6. ice age 37. up8. night in the museum 2Ah, seriously, the fire element was scary. Branding was the worst. Ah, yes. The good looking priest who was the culprit. We thought that he was being noble, risking his life to save the churches. Turns out that he was the mastermind behind it all. Reason behind this? The'god' particle. D:
[edit, again]
Got this from Lotte-chan's blog

Since Bolero by DBSK was the theme song for the show, it was playing super loudly in cineleisure. Crazy Joey was just getting high about the song. We also did a ultra mad thing. After the show, we waiting at the nearby tables where they show the previews of the upcoming movies. We were just sitting there waiting for the song Bolero to appear. Haha, unfortunately it just didn't.We went to dessertstory to eat and we made a loud commotion there. It is because KAT-TUN Break the records concert starts today!!! ARGH!! I somehow regretted not buying the tickets to go Japan and watch during their June concert in Tokyo Dome. ARGH!!! We were just reciting how the MCs would introduce KAT-TUN for every concert and it would be the same style everytime. Like, Kazuya KameNAshi, where they emphasise on 'na' in KamenashiThen, Jin AKAnishi, where they emphasise on 'ka' in AkanishiJunNOsuke TaguchiKoki TaNAkaTatsuya UEdaYuichi NaKAmaruIt was also comfirmed that Nakamaru would be bungee jumoing down from the top of Tokyo Dome, how thrilling if i could have watched it. ARGH!!!
Ah, yes. Their concert. Shall wait for more fancams.
Labels: ♥, OUTING
[ 9:42 PM ]
Woke up at 11 in the morning thanks to Pierrot again(gosh, I love that song. I love Parasite even more!) and almost immediately after that, my phone rang. It was HQ, asking if I have school today.
Being that curious little girl I was, I gave her a call and we talked about her Amath paper, then we jumped to movies and so on. Spent a good one hour talking to her before realizing that it was kind of late and my stomach was growling. So, my morning run became an evening run.
Breakfast was alright, but I would prefer to get something more healthy, like cereal and fresh milk.
After my early brunch, I went to watch CKT. Unfortunately, the site that I found only had until episode 35, which was the last episode of season one. My eyes somehow wandered to the side bar which I had no idea it was there until today. Guess what I saw? KAMI NO SHIZUKU!
Went out for my evening jog and left the computer on to load the episodes. Little did I know that the episodes that I loaded were actually the first part of each episode. So basically, about half of the day was sort of wasted. Evening jog was great as usual.
Dinner was oishii! :D Appa cooked western food for dinner. It has been a long time since he cooked such a good meal, and it's not even a special occasion!
Following dinner, I painted my nails(oh yes, dark red.) while waiting for Kami no Shizuku to load. this time, I checked the whole page and loaded the whole episode. Thing was, that the connection was kind of low and the videos couldn't finish loading.
Oh well, time to hit the pillows. Tommorrow's going to be a day full of fun at the movies with Lotte-chan and Joey.
Labels: bittersweet
Happy Birthday.
[ 11:17 PM ]
Hey love, happy birthday to you! Another year has passed and I thank God for bringing you through yet another splendid year. I thank God for everything, big or small that He has done for you! Continue to SHINE for him like the bright star you are. May you succeed in whatever you do and don't give up till the end. ♥
For all your warmth and kindnessFor the person that you areI'm wishing that this birthday is your nicest oneFor the thoughtful things you doFor all the joy you spreadI'm wishing life's very best throughout the year aheadHappy birthday love!
Labels: birthday.♥
[ 10:16 PM ]
MYEs are officially over but somehow, it doesn't seems like it.
Weird, no?
Maybe it has something to do with the little unexpected 'nap' I just woke up from. Seriously, I was really surprised when I woke up, not to mention annoyed that my brother got to the computer first, meaning that the laptop is the only thing I can use now.
Sure, it's portable, but it is EXTREMELY slow.
Aish. CKT deprived. Awesome, my brother just agreed to let me send the link over. ;D
Ah yes, about today. IT WAS THE AWESOMEST. Excluding the three hour long Art paper that is. After being woken up by Pierrot, Six Senses and Yorokobi no Uta, I did the usual preparation for a normal school day except this time Project Runway was on. It was the final episode of the season and the suspense was killing me. Because of that, I was almost half an hour late. Not for the paper, obviously.
Every year before the Art exam, Lotte-chan, Huijie and Hui Ying would meet up for breakfast and this time Lotte-chan ask me to come along, even though I had taken my breakfast at home. I became a bundle of nerves the moment I sat down. It wasn't as bad as Chemistry or Biology paper but still, scared. My hands were trembling and I couldn't paste the pictures on to my prep properly.
After laughing it off while watching KAT-TUN's Vocal lessons, we headed back to school and somehow, I have no memory of how we got there. Nothing at all. Ah, this is bad. OH! We walked there! *slaps self*
By the time we got to school, Lotte-chan and I were perspiring like nobody's business. I tried various ways to get her to show me her prep work and even resorted to toughing her collar bones. HAHAH. Nothing worked so I just pestered her until right before the paper starts when we have to go into the hall. She flipped through her prep and guess what, I SAW AKANISHI JIN. Not literally, but his picture was used as one of her references. A very big picture indeed, so big to the point that it drained her printer of ink.
After the paper which I didn't really finish, we went to get lunch and said our 'goodbyes' to Hui Ying as she wanted to get herself a new game for her DS. I got hungry during the paper and when I do, my concentration is always off. There goes my shading. After visiting the orthodontist to tighten my braces, there's hardly anything that I can eat which won't hurt my teeth, so we settled for porridge. Thanks loves, y'all are so kind.
Once that was done, we sat at the shop for who knows how long, chatting about KAT-TUN, NEWS and etc. Huijie's dreams were the funniest! It was great to finally relax and have a good laugh once the MYEs were over. After a good one hour plus, we headed off to get dessert at Fork and Spoon and then to EC Macs where we chatted even more.
Oh at Fork and Spoon, it was hilarious when Huijie tried to get all of us to pay attention 'cause at least on of us would go of topic and it's either myself or Lotte-chan. Ah and we never got a chance to play the hand game that KAT-TUN was playing during the PV making of Signal.
Who knew time could fly so fast when you are having so much fun? :D By the time we left, it was around 6 plus.
Took the bus home while watching the PVs that Lotte-chan sent me, showered, had a light dinner and fell asleep at who knows what time and woke up at 9.40pm. Been using the computer ever since. ;D
Ah, time to update my lj and watch Cartoon KAT-TUN. Honestly, if I could, I would camp at Lotte-chan's place and watch all the KAT-TUN things at one go man. :D
Cheers, Mel
Labels: ♥
Trapped in my artistic side.
[ 5:59 PM ]
It has been a while since my last proper drawing, so I am feeling kind of scared to actually start drawing for Art. It's silly to get scared over such a small thing even after drawing much more challenging and tougher pictures than this, but I can't help but to feel this way.
Been 'trapped' in the computer room doing Art while watching Cartoon KAT-TUN. One page down, four more pages to go.
Pray for me 'cause I don't think I'll be sleeping at all tonight. Pray for the strength and determination to finish six proper drawings by next morning and the colour schemes and compositions by tomorrow or by Wednesday morning, about 3am. Hopefully by then, everything will be completed as this time, my prep won't be as complicated as the previous years, neither will my final work. But it will be good, no doubt about it. ;D
Cheers, time to start on Su's beautiful face.
P.S. Thanks so much for being my face model Su!
Labels: MYEs stress.
[ 11:03 PM ]
Would life be any different if I wasn't here?
What if I were to pop in 25 sleeping pills now?
Would anyone cry for me?
Would anyone miss me?
Just a random thought. Blame AKAME fics. They have too much angst.
Hit the pillows
[ 10:51 PM ]
and drift off into the peaceful slumber that I have longed so much for. That's enough slacking for today and it is getting kind of warm. Waking up at around 6am to do Art, then it's off to my usual morning runs.
[ 9:31 PM ]
Out of the window admits the darkness
there I see a fading moon
glowing ever so peacefully
it brings back memories
of you and me
Those playful eyes
Those sweet sweet lips
soft and gentle they find the way to my heart
Holding me in a tight embrace
listening to your soothing heart beat
There I lay falling asleep
safe in your arms
oh please, don't leave me
In a dream of a moonlit night, the memories are
dyed blue, I knew it was a hopeless love
I wonder when it started, the feelings that
couldn't meet each other have come back, ( )
Without waking up from this light blue dream, in
those sweet eyes the love fades away
Quietly, when I need you, when I love you
In the moonlight that will last just for one night,
abandoning everything
I become a butterfly flapping its wings
Even if I'm reborn, hold me, with the same
gentleness love me
So please, under the moonlight
The hazy moon turns into you, the days we
spent together, a promise that's about to break
I don't care if it's a lie, I want it to remain
important to you
Standing on my tiptoes I pursued it
After the rain, drowning in love
Beautifully tempted
More, when I miss you, when I want you
In the moonlight that will last just for one night,
abandoning everything
I become a butterfly flapping its wings
Even if I'm reborn, hold me, with the same
gentleness love me
So please, under the moonlight
Recalling the distant memories that shone, I
keep on going
But the smallest unimportant things can't
disappear, can't be erased
In the moonlight that will last just for one night,
abandoning everything
I become a butterfly flapping its wings
Even if I'm reborn, hold me, with the same
gentleness love me
In the moonlight that will last just for one night,
abandoning everything
I become a flower that starts to scatter
Even if I'm reborn, hold me, it's fine even if it's
inside a dream, love me
So please
This lyric was added by: Clover 
Labels: ♥
Tis sad.
[ 4:40 PM ]
Yorokobi no uta did an awesome job in waking me up at 6.15 for my morning run. Sad thing was that it started raining huskies and kittens outside. D:
Annoying weather. Just when exams ended it started to rain. Seriously, I GREW FATTER and having skinny friends makes me jealous of their awesome figure. Which, I guess is a good thing 'cause it can be my source of motivation.
Anyways, after that first alarm, the next time I opened my eyes, the rays of sunlight shone through the window indicating that it was time to get ready for Sunday class. There goes my morning run.
Sunday class was awesome! Lim young did his best in trying to make the lesson more interesting by sharing some interesting stuff he found related to today's topic. GREAT JOB LIM YOUNG! ;D
Next up was service. Nothing special other than it has been a
really long time since I felt so darn happy worshipping the Lord.
Lunch was delicious as usual.
Headed home, and have been using the computer for Art and Cartoon KAT-TUN(CKT). Can anyone help? I've downloaded a few episodes from Mediafire but my computer can't seem to read them. Please help, I'm CKT deprived. D:
Going to do more research for Art and read some AKAME before I really start work for Art. Argh, my printer is busted, now how am I suppose to print out the pictures!?
Labels: update
[ 12:29 AM ]
Hungry. Hyperverntilating. tiem to hit the pillows. ;D
[ 10:57 PM ]
Hyperventilating much?Breath Mel, breath. Seriously, Kame loves to make me hyperventilate. ;D Oh gosh.

This is one of the pictures found in booklet of the limited edition version of KAT-TUN's Break the Records. ♥
Labels: ♥
KAME no A...
[ 5:35 PM ]
After finishing the paper, there was still some minutes to spare, so it's either sleep or doodle. Sleeping at that moment was kind of redundant, so doodling got the best of me. Before I even finished drawing 'KAME NO AI(!)' on the paper, it was pens down and good bye doodling.
Ah, at least let me finish the letter 'I'!
That was random, I have to admit. Anyways,
PIERROT did an awesome job in waking me up at 1 in the morning and so, my revision began. However, I stupidly thought that smoking and what nots wasn't in the chapter on Transport in humans. So, there goes six marks. *slaps self*
I went to school feeling extremely nervous. Seriously, it was like I could faint on the spot. My heart rate increased and Kame +
SADISTIC LOVE wasn't helping at all.
Overall, the paper was easy, if you studied of course. I finished the MCQ in seven minutes and section A in about 20 minutes or so. Honestly, what are the chances of both Chemistry and Biology being this easy? They are like, giving us free marks or something.
Surprisingly, I wasn't the only one who finished it in record time(don't bash). *high fives Charlotte* Lotte-chan finished around that time too. HAHAHA. Section B was alright, until I got to the question on smoking that is.
My right hand was totally spazzing out and I broke out in cold sweat. In the end I just left it blank and accept what I can't change. There's no use crying over spilled milk. You know how I love doddling, so I did, right beside that question.
A big 'THANK YOU!' to Mrs Chu for all the wonderful hints and also for being such a great teacher.
Oh and have I ever mention how annoying it is to have a teacher keeping a close eye on you while you do your papers? Seriously, enough is enough. SS was bad enough, then there was PoA and now Biology. I figit
A LOT. It's kind of impossible for me to actually sit still unless I'm using the computer, drawing or playing the PS2(which reminds me, I have two games to complete).
Well, after the paper Lotte-chan and I went to HMV to purchase KAT-TUN's new album, Break the Records. I'm so going to save up money to get the limited edition version. ;D Changed on the way back to school and passed three pathetic froms to Wenjin then I took a bus home. If I knew that I was only going to pass the forms, I wouldn't have changed.
Wenjin could meet me outside school to collect the forms then I could have followed Charlotte to Bishan or something. That would have saved her from being dragged all the way up to the 18th floor just to take a stupid survey. OH WOW.
On a lighter note, since all the exams that needs stuying are O-V-E-R over, I can finally get back to watching Cartoon KAT-TUN. ;D Currently watching episode 8.
Oh, and all those who know me, do me a favour by not telling my family about me getting KAT-TUN's album. It's highly appreciated. Anybody who's anybody in my family have no idea at all that I spent so much money.
Cheers, off to watch Cartoon KAT-TUN
Labels: update/ rant
[ 12:18 PM ]
Oh yes, I finally got KAT-TUN's new album: Break the Records and I'm going to buy the limited edition one in ten (school)days. I know, it's kind of silly to buy the normal one then worry about the limited edition version but seriously, I want the pictures. It was on impulse 'cause I needed to hear MOON so badly.
So, the earliest I can get it is by...27 of May. Oh please, I'm begging all KAT-TUN fans, don't buy it so fast. D:
I'M BEGGING Y'ALL, DON'T BUY IT SO FAST.Save some for the poor people like me. Like I'm really begging y'all, I want the pictures so badly.
Oh wow, then the one that's imported from Japan is 80+. I don't mind the cost that much, its just that I need time to save. D:
AWESOME. I found someone who's willing to sell her first press edition for $55! :D LJ rocks.
Labels: bittersweet
[ 4:10 PM ]
Oh, screw today's paper.
Its as if someone ripped my heart out and left an empty husk.
Those effing annoying people outside the class made so much effing noise that it made it hard to even understand what I was reading. All those idiotic bitches, screw them all. If it wasn't a real exam or if there weren't any teachers around, my class would be screaming those words into your effing faces yo.
[ 5:29 PM ]
If I got better grades and stayed, would life been much easier? Or would it be a road down to hell? I don't know.
Hell yeah.
[ 4:05 PM ]
Six papers down, three more to go! Time sure flies when your eye is on the prize.
Geography paper was not that bad. The only thing bad about it was that I did not finish. D: Oh the joy. It's the fifth paper not completed. BUCK UP MEL. If they can finish it, so can you!
Hopefully my SS can to pull me up, but I think I'll do quite awesome for Geography. Same goes for Sciences(I'm feeeling extremely good about Chemistry. Who do they think I was? An idiot? Don't bash), Math, and Art.
My aim for this MYE: to score As for Sciences, Math, Art and Humanities, so that's like Five out of the nine. The usual. Once june holidays are over, it's time to give it my all. Burning out wouldn't be much of a problem 'cause even if I do, there would be enough time to recover. ;D
PRAISE THE LORD! :DDespite the last minute studying, what I revised and remembered(ah, now that's another story) came out, to the point that I spent to much time on the first question to actually finish the second one. Not only that, I did not feel a bit worried at all before the paper. Even if I did say that I was scared, it was just at that moment.
For all those who know me, I'm a hugger. As in, I
like love to hug people. I hugged Charlotte before the paper(we had an hour to chill-lax) and she refused to let me go even though I lost my balance and cause her to lose hers too. Thankfully, Joey reminded me of her sensitive spot. A BIG 'THANK YOU' TO YOU, JOEY!
This time,
Lost was playing in my head most of the time and
Le Ciel came in a little towards the end of the paper. There was a little bit of
Peaceful Days(the starting when they went 'K-A-T-T-U-N!') again but that part was just annoying 'cause it cut in when I was enjoying
A big thank you to all who prayed for me, especially to my appa
Oh yeah! Almost forgot. You know at the end of the papers, some of the teachers are kind enough to let you finish your last sentence, no? Well, the teacher who invigilated us did, but we had yet to finish our last sentence when she told us to stop. Like, OH WOW.
Seriously, I can't wait for tomorrow's paper to end. Once that's over, I'm more or less free 'cause Biology is purely memorizing and I've done three out of the who knows how many core chapters, which total up to six chapters done. Sugoi.
After Biology, (gosh, I've been waiting so long for that day to come) I'm heading down to HMV with Lotte-chan to get KAT-TUN's new album, the limited edition version. Yeah, I know right? It's finally out and I can't believe I'm actually buying it. Never have I once spent so much money. Shopping is out 'cause it's shopping. Like duh. HAHAHA. Man, that was so bimbotic of me. ;D
Ah, looks like I won't be able to hang around there to view their other singles. By the time Biology ends, that would give me just enough time to get there, buy the album(!) and double back in time for the AA meeting. I feel bad about leaving her alone 'cause her piano classes doens't start until 1pm but I doubt she would mind when she's surrounded by all the KAT-TUN stuff.
Anyways, their new album has a bonus song , called
Moon. So far, all their solos are awesome and I take back what I said about Koki. I love his songs and I blame Joey for influencing me and myself for being easily influenced. But, I like
Parasite better then
Pierrot(sound like pirate, no?). What the heck, I love them both! ♥
After googling for the English translation of Parasite, I'm glad that I found it. It's a really nice song but it was kinda sad that he was the only one who stripped on that day. I heard from Lotte-chan that ALL of them stripped on who knows which day. Gosh, I wouldn't mind seeing that. ;D
KAT-TUN has officially invaded my life.Cheers, I'm off to watch White X'mas(I'm annoyed by the fact that they didn't use the word 'Christmas', but that song is too beautiful to be annoyed over such a small matter) pv making.
Labels: ♥, bittersweet
Hell yeah.
[ 5:12 PM ]
Five papers down, four more to go! :D
I can't tell you how relieved I am after today's papers were over. For those who got my message asking you to pray for me, you should know how worried and terrified I was of today's papers. Why, of all other papers must they put Chemistry and Maths on the same day?
Anyway, the papers turn out pretty well. Sad thing was that I did not finish the Math paper, but it was manageble. That's the forth paper that I did not finish this MYEs. It sounds kind of bad but it's really nothing much to worry about after seeing what I left out.
For English it was only the last sentence, yours faithfully, signature and name. For Chinese, it was the last sentence, blessings, name and date. Social studies was the last sentence AFTER I remembered what to write. But for Math, it is by far the worst I've done. I lost a total of 21+ marks cause I could not finish the last page in time. Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk. I'm just extremely thankful that during all these papers, I was a peace and could think kind of straight without KAT-TUN popping in now and then to distract me.
At most, it was only traces of
White X'mas,
Peaceful Days,
Mother/Father and
Don't You Ever Stop. Oh, have I told you that the Chemistry paper was a easy as pie? Not that I know how to make pie but you get the idea. The MCQs were of primary school standard, as if they thought that the ROCKING AWESOME 4N(TT) CLASS are a bunch of Science idiots.
Mother/Father was playing in my head, then
Peaceful days just came out of nowhere halfway through
Mother/Father and it stayed like that till the end of the paper. HAHAHA.
Seriously, the questions are simple and the only part that might actually need a little bit of brain power would be section C's question on the blast furnace, and the one on crystallization and the last question of section B. Blast furnace was fine, so was the one on crystallization. the last question of section B did made me think quite a bit.
Plus, there was still about five minutes till the end of the paper, so I doodled on the other piece of foolscap. By the time it was up, about a quarter of the paper was filled with 'Kame no ai! <3', with some Yunjae and Akame at the corner. Oh well, this is what happens when you give me a piece of paper and nothing else to do. :D
Now, the nest few papers are the horrifying ones. Tonnes of things to memorize for Geography, PoA and Biology which is on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday respectively. then it ends with a "BANG!" on the 13th of May, which is Art paper 2, drawing and painting paper.
Once MYEs are over, it's time to go SHOPPING with my loves. ;D
Cheers, time to relax after a whole day of worrying.
Labels: bittersweet
As the music plays, let it set you free.
[ 8:14 PM ]
This song is beautifully sung. It's...beautifully sad. Somehow, whenever this song plays, I feel like crying.
Labels: ♥
ha ha ha haha ha~
[ 8:33 PM ]
Well, Since I'm going to sleep in half an hour, why not? Since 7 hours of sleep is good enough for me, I shall study Chemistry from 4am to about 12 noon? Then I'll work on Math.
Today was a very productive day(I FINSHED THREE CHAPTERS OF BIO! :D), despite the fact that I slept at 5.30 this morning and woke up at 12.10 in the afternoon. For what ridiculous reason would I sleep at such an ungodly hour? Well, they are not ridiculous, that's one thing for sure. KAT-TUN of course.
After catching a late night movie with my parents, I decided do some research on KAT-TUN, like what's their new song and such. Kame's new song,
1582 is a really good one and so is Jin's
Care. Me not being much of a Koki fan, found his solo song,
Pierrot(am I spelling it correctly?)
a little annoying. Too loud maybe? But I did enjoy
Parasite, the one that he sang during the Queen of Pirates tour, even though I was a little shocked when he stripped.
I went to search for their new songs and dowloaded some others and watched who know's how many videos. From songs, to random bits, to skits. It was HILARIOUS. Jin looked so adorable in a dress and if Kame wore the whole french maid outfit would have left me there squealing like the fan girl I am. There was this video on personality tests and it was so adorable watching how they would react to a big black dog appearing out of no where. Jin's reaction the biggest among the four who took the test.
Not only that, his scream is ear piercing. Who knew such a hot, sexy and talented man would have such a girly scream? Anyways, plus points for him. his reaction after the scream is priceless. ;D
Anyways, they have a new album! :D The only thing I have to say about is that it rocks, and that y'all should seriously go get a copy of it once it's out. I'm so going to.
Don't you ever stop is a great song, really addictive. You have no idea how many times Jin appeared in my head during the English paper. The part when they were dancing, the clips fit so well. Near the ending when it the songs says "Are you ready?" and Jin appears, replying "I know you are.". That part just kept replaying who knows how many times while I was counting the number of words I have in my summary.
It was so bad that I started hyperventilating. After taking in deep breaths I counted as fast as my mind allows me to, hoping not to lose count again.
Once June holiday comes, it's just me and the videos on how to do the
Don't you ever stop dance.
Yorokobi no Uta is my fave KAT-TUN song. It's just so cheery that it turns my frown upside down. I heart that song. Go watch the PV! :D
Now this is really annoying. The weather I mean. It's too hot and stuffy that I can't even do a decent post. Oh whatever. After watching a video or two, I'm going to hit the pillows.
Labels: ♥