[ 1:08 PM ]
Hey yall, wassup?
Hmm, I'm about to send and Email to Eeffenie.
Something's wrong with my other blog and I can't seem to see the posts.
See it for yourself:
http://would-you-run.blogspot.comIf you know what's wrong, please do leave a tag.
Started off with tuition today. I woke up 15 mins before it started, which was 8.45am.
The five alarms that were suppose to wake me up at 6am didn't work at all.
Dang, I miss my alarm clock. Lesson learned(not): NEVER do Art till wee hours of the morning.
The thing is, time is running out. I pray that God will slow things down so that there would be sufficient time for revision.
Hmmm. Going to art from 4.30 to about 6pm. I'm almost done with one picture. -.-"
It's tough to draw faces yo, especially the lips. The eyes are real easy to draw, provided that you're the observant type. Same goes for the hair. Thank to Cheryl Tan I now ahve more reference pictures. *claps*
Well, the mindmap is done, though I need to add a lil something. *thinks* Or not.Prints and sculpture are finally over, and so is the Study Of Visual Arts(SOVA) paper. What's left is paper 3, which is the drawing and painting one. I have a feeling that there will be some poor souls having sleepless nights because of their unfinished prepatory work.
EOYs are freaking me out. Though I can't wait for what comes after that.
Yeap. All of that. So far, I found four people to teach me how to ice-skate. Yes, four. So now I have to pick one. LIKE NOW.
AND THE WINNER IS...*drumroll*
ADRIAN!!! *ding ding ding*
HAHAH. He's in NS now. So it has to be a saturday. I'll drag Jac along for sure. :)Hmmm. I'm going to change the song you hear NOW to
so hot by JYP and the Wonder Girls. It has been stuck in my head ever since Joey told me about Wonder Boys.
Okay okay, must fly. I got to change the song and erm erm erm ERM(oh yeah) do ART.
Labels: mix and match
[ 5:30 PM ]
The chinese open ended comprehension was inspiring. :D
Though, no comments for the rest of the paper and Art. It's just that, today was the first time that I stayed in the hall for a total of five and a half hours doing papers. Thankfully I have that HUGE white jacket that my father bought. :)
It kept me warm! XD
My hands were freezing during Art. D:
Well, nothing much. Lunch was fun. I was practically starving through the last half hour of paper two. Dang. Then Art was from 2 to 4pm.
Oh my. Home alone once more. Surrounded by darkness, with only the light above my head guiding me as I do my work.
Banger's overload. Rah. I'm left with SS, Bio, Math, Chem, PoA and ART paper 3.
Three down, six to go.
Alright lyNA, run this race. Don't give up.
Labels: banger's overload.
[ 10:34 PM ]
Been tagged by Keendra! :D
1. The age you will be on your next birthday:
(which is next year)
2. A Place You would like to travel to:

This is R-O-M-E !
3. Your favourite places:

My bedroom! I like it white :D

The beach! Oh yeah!
4. Your favourite food(s):

*health freak alarm goes off*
5.Your Favourite Pet:

6.Your favourite colour combination:

Blue and white :D
7. Your favourite piece of clothing:

Yes, This whole outfit. :D

Yeah. I wanted to take ballet classes when I was young, but I didn't have the money.
8. Your all-time favourite song:

Once upon a december
Journey to the past
At the beginning
9. Your Favourite TV Show:
I have quite a lot.
10. Town in which you live in:

11. Your Screen Nickname:

come say it with me.
What does that spell?
HONEY!12: Your First job:
13. Your Dream Job:
I have a few...

A professional figure skater. Does that count?

A MODEL!!! :D Thing is, I'm too short and I don't have the figure.

Fashion designer.
14. A bad habit you have:

Peeling my lips. That's why I have lips balm! :D
Got to stop peeling them or I won't have nice kissable lips. :'(
15. Your worst fear:

This, which then leads to
CORONARY HEART DIESEASE.16. The one thing you’d like to do before you die:

Experience true love
Labels: quiz?
[ 10:17 PM ]
I'm dying here yo.
stressed out till I can't study.
I freak out like hell when I see a SOVA ppt slide
I'm afraid that I'll fail chinese cause I have no idea how to study for it
My mom just told me that I should just stare st the CL paper and not do anything
Fail fail fail that dang Chinese
Art prep days are running out and the due date is drawing closer
not prepared for EOYs
SOMEONE JUST TAKE A GUN AND SHOOT ME NOW.Then, I had a sudden urge to click on Charlene's link. I scrolled down and winced after seeing things that reminded me of PoA and how I have yet to prepare for it. Then I saw this:
She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati
On a snow white Christmas Eve
Going home to see her Mama and her Daddy with the baby in the backseat
Fifty miles to go and she was running low on faith and gasoline
It'd been a long hard year
She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention
She was going way to fast
Before she knew it she was spinning on a thin black sheet of glass
She saw both their lives flash before her eyes
She didn't even have time to cry
She was so scared
She threw her hands up in the air
Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this on my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
Save me from this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel
It was still getting colder when she made it to the shoulder
And the car came to a stop
She cried when she saw that baby in the backseat sleeping like a rock
And for the first time in a long time
She bowed her head to pray
She said I'm sorry for the way
I've been living my life
I know I've got to change
So from now on tonight
Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this on my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
Save me from this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel.
And I just felt like crying...
Labels: stressed
[ 6:37 PM ]
Dang. DANG.
D.A.N.G.Feeling guilty cause I've been blog surfing and blogskin hunting for the past 1.5 hrs when I'm suppose to be studying my butt off like nobody's business. DANG. I feel like an idiot.
Labels: crapped up yo.
[ 5:08 PM ]
Anyhoo, English paper was very interesting today. I heard from my friends that it was rather challenging. Truth is, I found paper two easy. CRAPS. How?
Paper one was tough. I was stuck with section one and had no choice but to come up with the most boring story ever to go with such an interesting topic, Freedom. DANG. I messed up paper 1. Now I have to count on paper 2.
Still, I really enjoyed paper 2.
The first passage was about this tribe whereby females who are born during auspicious days will don metal neck-rings. They'll start wearing it at the age of five and as they age, more and more coils of metal rings are added. Actually, the neck may seem like it has been stretched, but the actual fact is that their collar bone is actually pushed down to give that stretched look.
It was believed that the females who were born on auspicious days of the week were decendants of a dragon who mated with a male human/angel hybrid. Pretty cool, no? Oh, and that the metal rings were some sort of portable shrine as one touch of the 'armour' was able to cure illness, or to bless a journey.
The sad thing, other people use them as tourist attractions. Sadistic much? I mean, They are people, and they have feelings too you know. D:
okay okay. Enough about English. After that I did art, and got oil based paint in my nails and all. Dang.
You have no idea what I'm annoyed about, no?
You can't find anything here that might annoy me, no?
Well, I'm just being like whatever by not telling you.
Labels: oil base paint sucks
[ 6:27 PM ]
pictures of you, pictures of me
hung upon your wall for the world to see
pictures of you, pictures of me
remind us all of what we used to be
dang. I found this really awesome blogskin, but I can't seem to open the zip file. Help?
Labels: help please. i said help.
[ 3:44 PM ]
TUITION...I had tuition yesterday. HAHAH. Kim brought me there and even bought me milo. Yes, once again, I skipped recess and lunch. Okay, no side tracking today. >;(
That annoying Nick.
HAHA, YES HIM. He kept pestering me the day before yesterday. D: I think he got my no. from Benjamin(my tutor). >.>
He kept asking me to translate those chinese chain mails. You, know, the ones you get during exams? Like, if you don't forward this you'll fail with whatever? Yeah, those kinds. Annoying.
HAHAH. FAT NICK. Continue to block the sun for Philip. XD
Rah. He asked if I got a new hair cut. I nodded and guess what was his reply?
Fugly. Hmm, for those who don't know what that means, It basically a combination of two words.
F***ing and ugly. Put Them together and you'll get fugly.
Oh, a BIG thanks to all who said I looked nice! :D
When I went to school today, most people were kind of shocked when they saw me. Well, even better, some didn't knew that it was me. >;(
I look like a doll, which is both scary(to me) yet adorable(to others. HAHAH.).
I mean, if I were to wear my contacts and I'm in an area with dim light, my pupil would be larger. Plus, since I have very dark brown eyes, it looks as if I have black empty eyes. Okay, now picture a fair skinned girl with bangs and long almost straight hair staring at you. Her big black eyes just looking at you, and nothing else.
Fine, maybe that's not really that freaky. Though I can do it at night dressed in doll clothes. HAHAH. XD
Going to edit slides(which are my notes) for the SOVA(Study Of Visual Arts) paper this friday.
OMGOSH. EOY starts tomorrow. Dang.
Cheers to all!
do your best and let GOD do the rest.
Pray before and after the paper. :D
staying away from all distractions. What ever it takes for me to get my 5 As.
Labels: sweet sweet EOY. as if.
[ 11:35 PM ]
quiz quiz quiz
[ 11:16 PM ]
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
1. You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
2. You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
3. You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
4. Guys see you as being a thinker and a careful person. They will be really attracted to this quality in you, but you need to learn to speak your mind, otherwise people will find you too shy and quiet. Learn to relax and lighten up--it's okay to have fun sometimes. When you learn to develop your fun-loving side, guys are going to flock to your side.
5. Your boyfriend thinks that you are a real doll but this is not a totally positive thing. Sometimes you can be a bit too sweet, and come across as being helpless. If you're like this too frequently, your boyfriend and other people are likely to get tired of you having to rely on them all the time.
You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.
Your kindness is your charm - you are also gentle and sweet. Everybody likes to be around people with your personality. Like a psychologist, people like to talk to you to discuss their problems because you are proper and discrete, as well as confident. You look mature and people respect you. People with this kind of character are few and far between.
You love your friends very much - so much so that it's actually quite a worry. You may not be able to cope very well when you do lose somebody's friendship. You are a very sensitive and fragile person, and are therefore likely to get upset easily. You care for your friends and are willing to do anything that they ask you to do. Sometimes this can make your friends think that you are a bit of a nuisance. Nevertheless, people do really love you because your highest priority is your friends.
This man is a sporty type. He has a strong heart and easily comes to terms with the truth. He likes sport and physical challenges, and quickly gets bored with routine. As for women, he gets bored if they are too formal and proper. You need to be enthusiastic and ready to be spontaneous as the occasion requires it. He enjoys activities such as bush walking or rock climbing, so to keep the relationship running smoothly you should give them a go.
I got bored and did more. HAHAH.
got the link from john wheee~
BTW, I tag with different names. :D
lyNA ;D
meliNA :D
so if you see any of the three, it's moi :D
Labels: random
art prep disaster
[ 9:25 PM ]
Abby was freakishly scared today.
The best way to calm yourself is to pray :)
and a verse to go with it :D
Trust God from the bottom of your heart;don't try to figure out everything on your own.Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;He's the one who will keep you on track.Don't assume that you know it all.Proverbs 3: 5-7
Abby felt much better after I sent this to her. So, to all you muggers out there, may this be an assurance/ encouragement to you. :D
School was as usual, starting with no assembly. Followed by
I was looking forward to running in the morning, but no. It just had to rain. Well, I had a rather good sleep last night, that's for sure.
skipped recess for art, skipped lunch for art. D: I was starving by the time it was 6.15.
Oh! I went to get a hair cut today ^v^
My hair is shorter now, and I have bangs. HAHAH. I think I look alright. I don't care what my sister or my dad says. As long as I feel good, then I'm fine.
doo dee dumm...
well, nothing much today. Really. Though I was suppose to do my art prep today, or at least start on it. Erm, I'm still left with a lil bit more etching to do.
someone actually said that I would get
slapped if I was caught etching at home till wee hours in the morning.
Well, I know It's for my own good, but if you were to tell me off when I'm only doing sec three art...
WHAT WILL YOU DO WHEN IT'S 'O' LEVEL ART? That's what I'm worried about.
Oh, how I miss you. Labels: bittersweet, deathly nightshade
[ 11:05 PM ]
Good news yall! :D
Yes, yes, I'm allowed to use the computer!
Well, It's for a good cause!
ART. ^^'
Yes, 20 days from now which is the 10th of October, I'll be sitting in the cold hall, freezing my butt off as I do my last and final paper for the year. The drawing and painting art paper. Trying to trap as much air with my thick white jacet to prevent heat loss, and also from drops of acrylic paint. Once acrylic paint gets on to it, sayonara.
With my hand gripping the brush ever so tightly, I struggle to get the perfect colour and tone, comparing it with the one I painted in my prepatory work. Constantly checking the time to be sure that everything is going to turn out alright. I swept my hair off my face, hoping that no paint has gotten on it yet. Silence filled the room, to the point that I was suffocating in it. I loosened the grip on my brush, letting the smooth blue wood slide to a comfortable height, and continued with my work. If a pencil or brush were to roll off the table, on to the floor, it's sound would echo through out the whole hall. Distracting everyone from their work, especially me.
Okay, okay. Now I'm just scaring myself.
Well, I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight. Making sure that I have the basic neccessities to keep myself awake:
-a packet of cold milo
-four tubes of gummy sweets
-a bottle of water
Yes, the sweets and the packet of milo costs me $2.30. D:
Must, must, MUST revise geography today and at least, AT LEAST finish one chapter.
Memorise and understand. That's what I'm going, no, wait. Let me correct that.
That is what I MUST do.
Well, I had tuition today for both chemistry and math. I brought the wrong chemistry TYS. So the questions were a lil tougher. As for math, I did only five questions from the revision exercise 1 no. 1. XD
Then I rushed down to Toa Payoh for worship pract, though I made a slight detour to Popular to get acrylic paint. Unfotunately, all the people who took art bought the type of acrylic paint that I wanted just yesterday. YESTERDAY. D: Plus, the new stock will only be arriving on monday. I'm looking for the one with six big tubes of acrylic paints, the main colours.
So, anyway, I ended up being 30 mins late for worship pract and I felt so bad to make them wait for me. D: Though the pract was alright :/ Su and I just stood there and looked pretty while the were discussing about some technical stuff. Haha, no, we listened okay! Hmm, there's a new song and I'm having trouble rying to remember how does it actually go.
Then after pract, I went to eat a super late lunch with Su, and walked home with the sort of heavy purple crumpler, textbooks and a plastic bag containg water colours that costs 14 over dollars. D: I left Popular with that in my hands. I'm thinking of buying the acrylic paint from school, since it is cheaper than Popular.
Oh oh, the highlight of the DAY!!!
I actually went shopping! :O
With my father and sister to look for a bag for my mother's anniversary present.
We bought it from Charles and Keith in less than 15 minutes and went shopping for our own stuff immediately after that. We went to the factory something something and other random shops. My sis bought some stuff, and I found Su's birthday present! :D HURRAY FOR MEL!
I shall not reveal what it is as you know, this being the web and all. EVERYONE INCLUDING SU have a chance of seeing it. XD All I can tell you is that it is totally awesome. Even I wanted to get one for myself! HAHAH. XD
Pfft. I regret not buying that beige belt I saw. It would look great with anything denim. Oh and I couldn't help staring at this accessory at some shop. It was $9. I had plans for it but was too afraid to buy. D: I also saw this black glossy belt, though when it is bent, you can actually tell where it is. There was another yellow belt, but all three were not in perfect condition.
Hmm, the stores were closing and there wasn't any art friend in sight. Art friend can only be found at taka and some place near bugis. :) Chatted with Abby the whole time. HAHAH.
Yes, mugging session with her and some other peeps! :D
okay, okay. I did some mind mapping for art today :D
My phone vibrated not too long ago, and music from the piano keys came from it. The song took hold of my body, and calmed every nerve in it. As I took hold of my phone, I saw the name and immediately rejected it. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that particular name. Why is that so? Am I afraid? do I still have some feelingsthat are somehow forgotten but was awaken by that call?Have I offended anyone in anyway? Am I annoying? Tell me. Be honest. Tell me striaght. When I saw it, it felt as if a dagger just went through my heart and it's bbleeding profusly. Why do I feel that we're drifting further and further away from each other? As if this title of 'bff' doesn't seem to exist between us at all. It is as though we are strangers. I long for the time when we were so close that if you found one, you would find the other. An invisble barrier have seemed to be built between us, and it is pushing both of us further and further away. I hope that this barrier wouldn't push us so far away that you look like a spec of dust from where I'm standing. *sigh* what's going on?Labels: just my cup of not so awesome day
[ 3:52 PM ]
Oh dear. I'm back again. ;D
OKay, well, this is going to really hort as I found out something yesterday.
NEVER and I really mean NEVER study late at night.
Cause my parents willl be home and I'll have to study in the computer room while they watch tv outside. Plus, I'll get tired. ^^'
Okay, okay. Short one.
Well, my clay sculpture must must MUST be completed by tomorrow so that I can FINALLY study peacefully. Anyhoo, about my clay sculpture. My sculpture idea was INSPIRED by val wong's sculpture. INSPIRED. NOT COPY.
Cause I noticed that she was a lil pissed about this so I decided to clarify it here. :)
Hmm, I just heard something from my sister. It's so unfair. D:
I bet yall know who Dora the explorer is. Unfair piece of shit.
Okay. that's all I really have to say. Cheers to all :D
Labels: just another random update
[ 10:44 PM ]
Copy cat
chase the rat
go home let your mother slap
-I got slapped countless times, like wth. PLus, I hate rats, so I will never chase them. I LOVE CATS :D-
Mother say "Go and DIE!"
Father say "Go fly kite!"
-I want to die, but my conscience forbids me to do so. I love flying kites! Won't you fly with me?-
HELLO BEAUTIFUL! quote from Chelz.

Yours truly. :D Here to say a "Goodbye!" to yall till the end of EOYs.
Truly sorry.
[ 9:38 PM ]
I never meant to hurt anyone. What you see here is basically me just expressing myself.
OKay, now look to the to right hand corner of your screen. No, your
OTHER right. ;D
See that lil red box there? If you feel offended, that is your best friend. ;D Just click it and this will close immediately, unless your com hangs or something. XD
OKay, now the
Nothing much in school today. Bio was damn crappy. Mr Tang, my oh-so-awesome Biology teacher was absent today. D: YES, I LOVE ALL SCIENCES AND MATH.
OH YA!!! XD Are yall thinking what I'm thinking?
During recess my friends and I played this bgr game ^^' It's super random and funny!
If you have my msn, double click on me if you want to play. If not, haha. I don't know. XD
Anyhoo, Val(my awesome sitting partner yo!) and I couldn't concentrate during PoA because we were going round the class playing that game. Yes, It's that fun.
We stopped for math. :) See, aren't we such perfect students? Heh, yes we are, and you know it! :D Yes, Math was fun. ^^ We learnt a new chapter today, the last one in the textbook. Linear grpahs and it's applications. The whole class was like, "MR LIM! YOUR GRAPH NOT ACCURATE LAH, HOW TO DO!" then he told the class to estimate. Like wth. >.>
Anyhoo, Val and I finished the worksheet without any difficulty. :) Cleris as usual came to our table. heh. It's fun to have people like cleris around. They add colour to your life. In this case, class. :D
hmm, then it was chinese(last lesson). Val and I were busy playing the game,
picking the men who we want to french, date, watch a movie with, marry and sex with. :D LIKE, DUH. OF COURSE I KNOW WHAT FRENCH IS. YOU SHAGGY DOG. ;D
Yeap. So after that, I went off to look for Chelz in the art room to finish up my sculpture. I'm progressing rather well. :D Do continue to pray for me yo. :)
Oh, and I ended up worrying about messing up my study timetable for nothing. Thankfully, I finished revising most of my Chemistry and I'm only left with the chapters on metals. I flipped through them and they aren't that bad. PLus I got some awesome notes from na. :D Thank you my dear na for lending me your pure Chem textbook. :D
so yeah. My timetable is not messed up, but it will be if I don't revise Biology now. okay. last two things before I go.
ABBY IS COOL! :Dtwo...
THANK GOD FOR THIS WONDERFUL DAY!!! :DLabels: just my cup of sundae
[ 11:18 PM ]
SUNDAY...SUNDAE?It was rather alright today. Though I felt that I was being kind of mean to the people around me. Am I? I seem to grow into whatever I wear, not joking.
When ever I wear the lil miss trouble shirt I tend to be meaner, causing more trouble than I usually do. Seldom thinking before speaking. Not only do I hurt the people around me, I've caused them more trouble. Or so I think I did.
Hmm. Today was very plain and boring. Though morning was uber fun because of the fact that my church celebrated New Life Worship(NLW)'s 4th anniversary, We had really great food, and Abigail joined us to study.
Well, the group studying wasn't as productive as I though it would be, as the room turned out to be real crowded. Three loud speakers were there. ( no offence ) They were talking loudly across the table, though they knew that they were disturbing the rest. They did apologise, which was good. Gosh, sorry for hurting anyone. Sincerely sorry. I'm just speaking my mind, that's all.
Then my friend finally completed her work and started proclaiming that she actually finished everything. Not once, but many times. I was glad that she actually finished studying for the day, but I was a tad bit annoyed when she just couldn't stop saying it. I know you are happy, being free...I love that feeling. Though it wouldn't hurt to just smile and head back to the clubhouse right? I feel like I'm going a bit too far...
hmm. Then Abigail was so kind to lend me her psp to play dj max. I needed some time to de-stress. Plus, I need practice cause I really suck at that game. After quitting band I lost my rhythm. Everything. Sad, ain't it. Though I got it back while playing eba, but lost it once I stopped.
Then I studied a lil more and headed off for dinner. The food tasted awful. Never in my whole life have I tasted such horrible food, other then yt(my birthday ended with disgustingly horrible food. oh wow.).
My parents told me an hour before I left for dinner that I had to eat my own dinner. I was left with only $2.2o. Then I gave the $2 to na for the drinks that she bought and was left with 20 cents. Yes. only 20 cents. So I had to borrow $4 from my bro for dinner. He's suppose to collect it from my dad, but I'm not sure if he did. He's upstairs and the door is closed.
It wasn't much fun today. Yes. Optimistic? NOT.
the holidays are about to be over. In ten minutes time, I'll be thrown back to reality. No matter how hard I try to stay in this Fantasy land, I can't. Going back there would be easy, though now there's this invisible barrier stoping me from doing so. It has a name, which many of you are very familiar with. E.O.Y exams. I stand infront of that barrier, trying my very best to get through it. With God's help, I really hope that everything will be alright.
okay. What am I saying.
Labels: just not my cup of sundae
[ 9:34 PM ]
oh, would you look at that.
999 views.I thought about quite a number of things today during prayer meeting. 35 mins was indeed very long.
I though of how God is in my life, and yet He is not. I thought about the promise I made to myself, to put God first in my life. That one promise which I'm trying so hard to keep. I'd imagine how terrible I would feel to have that God-shaped hole.
My life would be in a mess. I wouldn't be able to make any decisions. I wouldn't be able to study. I would snap at any random person, then break down cause I feel bad about it. I would hide in some corner of the house, crying like nobody's business. Confused. Lost. Depressed. Suicidal.
I don't want to be like that. It's too horrible...
not having God in your life is the same as being unable to smell, see, touch, listen.
IT IS THAT BAD. To me at least.I'm losing it. I think. Losing motivation. Losing friends. Losing my temper. Losing money(okay, it's for a good cause).
argh. that's it. OPTIMISTIC. not.
lets just rewind and remix.
wait. Lets back it up a lil more.
Tuesday night.
It all started when my sister stole my part of the blanket from me...
okay. you know what? I don't really feel like blogging now. Feeling zombie-ish.
Labels: just another random update
patience is a virtue
[ 10:04 PM ]
okay, if you see your link missing at my links,
I acidentally deleted part of the code which cause the main picture right there ^ to be gone. Thankfully I saved a backup of the whole template but it's not a really updated one. I did save the one with the code problem so that I can get whatever's missing back here asap. okay? ;D
Labels: just another random update
a little to otimistic after my CL oral...
[ 11:59 AM ]
Okay. Yes. Talking to Abby finally made me realised something. Firstly, I can be really random at times. So much that I actually earned myself this awesome tittle, Little Miss Random! :D
Secondly, I'm a total pessimist. Okay, for those who have no idea what that means, go look up the dictionary. Unless you know what it means or you know what's the meaning of optimistic. Cause pessimistic is the opposite of optimistic. XD
Fine I shall be nice yo. :) Wait, on the other hand, I shall not. MUAHAHAHAHAAA~
Hmm, I really enjoy talking to Abby. :D So far, she is the only one who made me realised what a pessimist I really am. Yes, and that is going to change. I'm going to work hard for both my languages and pass them with flying colours. With the help of
God and
my lovely angels.There are angels in this world. YES, THERE ARE.The thing is that they do not have wings or a halo. Nor do they wear long white gowns and fly gracefully from place to place. Instead, they are just like you and me. They are called 'Friends'. :D
Yeap. I'm going to throw all those nastly things behind, and start fresh. :D Bah, not going to procrastinate and all. I'm like balance c/d and balance b/d all my revision. ( for those who take PoA, you know what I mean. For those who don't, google it. XD)
Time to say a big good bye to all these things that I'm going to list out in the next 2 minutes or so.
-bullying(I was the victim yo. D:)
-my really unhappy childhood
okay. The last point pretty much sums up everything. HAHAH.
Hmm. Looks like i'm going to have to stick myself to Abby with super glue yo. She is my checklist of some sort. :D
fwee. I looked at my report card. It it is just annoying the hell out of me. I only get 5 As for CAs and I get 4 As for my EOYs. D: Annoying piece of shit yo. The most horrifying report card was the one where I got 3rd, cause I only got three pathetic As. come, say it with me. S-C-A-R-Y.
LOL. OKAY ENOUGH ABOUT THAT. I'm going to work hard and aim for 6 As yo. Then I would have a higher chance of getting 5 As. I'll prove it to God and my parents that i can do it! :DDDDD
okay, before I go off blogskin hunting(again), let me just say that...
ABBY IS COOL YO.XDheee~extra update. I miss my ps2. It's rotting.
plus, my fav games are lost. D: KH and KH2. Well, at least I still have onimusha 2 and God of war 1 and 2 :D
Labels: little miss random strikes again.
[ 12:04 AM ]
BROTHER'S NIGHT was rocking!SISTER'S NIGHT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME! :DYeap. I went to Mingzy's blog, and it struck me that I totally forgot to blog about sister's night. It was just wonderful. The food, the band(cloooooser,clooooser..), the waiters, the ambience...
The even gave us roses! Aww, how sweet of them :)
They scattered rose petals on the ground, and formed a sort of path with candles and some mini potted plants. They had a wonderful menu(It was in french, with a translation at the bottom), and the waiters, oh my, they were just so sweet! The games were so cute( and xue yan, you were awesome!). The mime thing was very sweet and funny~
DE NIAN! YOU ROCK! :D Yes yes, yall should have seen him. we were practically screaming cheering like never before. The sad thing is, my phone was out of memory and Hui qi couldn't take the part in which de nian came. Yall(the brothers) are just so totally awesome. Sweet. polite. patient. loving. and always have a smile on your face :)WE(the sister's) LOVE YALL! :D
on a
not so happy note...
I realised how disgustingly ugly I looked like. D: My sister's night gift can prove it.
Bleah. I don't have a pretty face or an awesome figure.
Quote from my birthday gift from xue bass,
'...you are really beautiful, as a person and in appearence...'
Really? I beg to differ.The thing is, am I beautiful at heart? That, I don't know.
Labels: just another random update