Big Bang-ed.
[ 10:15 PM ]
Yes. I am in love with this BB song and T.O.P. :D
Anyhoo, let's rewind, pause and play. Starting from Wednesday!
School was great! I shall dub Wednesday as my favourite school day ever, until the school decides to change the timetable AGAIN. Art was just THE COOLEST. The lesson started with Ms Lao's same words, "Start drawing." and because I slept so late(or should I say early? :D), I sort of went zi high-ed through the whole three periods.
First I help the rest of the girls with their sketches like, how they should draw this, comments and stuff. As I had troubles printing out the pictures I found for my sketches, no thanks to my computer who can't seem to find the printer when it is just beside it. So, Ms Lao had to lend me her laptop so that I can view the pictures that are stored in my thumbdrive.
After starting on part of the outline, the bell rang. OH WOW, IT'S TIME FOR RECESS. School ended with a horrible Chinese test. Not only did I not understand, but the annoying thing was that I could actually read the words, but it made no sense. A little at the most. Everyone had no idea that there was a test today so it caught us by surprise. However, falling asleep while reading the passages that made no sense never struck me at all. A miracle indeed. XD
School ended and it was time for team LEBANON to resume their work for the Global Village project. I was suppose to be back home by three plus, like I promised. It was suppose to be like a short visit to my long gone grandfather followed by a scrumptious dinner. It did happen, except I was late. EXTREMELY LATE. Oh well. Alls well that ends well with a piping hot bowl of mouth watering Bibimbap. It wasn't as good as the one in Korea. It is understandable though. Heh. I hope that I can find better Bibimbap in Singapore soon. Heh.
Today was alright I guess. Had AA meeting after school, followed by Global Village stuff. Left for home at about 6pm with Charlotte, Cheryl and Ruth.
Later, I realised that my precious darling thumbdrive was missing. MISSING I TELL YA. I was furious at myself for not being able to remember where I had left it. Spent a good one hour searching high and low and I found t in the place where I least expected. My room, on the vcd player. I bet my sister left it there. D: Oh well. ANYWAY, God answered two of my prayers today. PRAISE THE LORD! Though they maybe simple prayers, I am glad that He answered it.
BANG! You're dead.
Just finished watching America's Next Top Model. LOVE that show. :D Three Brittanys in one show. Isis is back and so is Brittany R. who got kicked out cause if you were to look at a 100 photos of her in it, you would not even notice her. Well, that's what Tyra banks said. Congratulations to Joyslyn who finally made it into cycle 11! :D
BANG! BANG! You're dead.
Labels: update
Nail trouble!
[ 5:48 PM ]
Heh. I spent like $5.6 yesterday on this three in one nail thing. It's uber cool but it takes time to do all three. Not only that, you have to do it before you paint the base coat and after removing your nail polish to keep them clean and non yellowie. :D
My sister's nails started to turn a little yellow so I lent her that three in one nail thing. HAHAH. She finds it very time consuming. Who asked her not to apply base coat, or at least borrow it from me. The funniest thing is was to see her child like expression when she buffed her nails. "It became shiny!" said she. HAHAHA. Well, a random post for today. OH! Hee~ I just finished drawing G-dragon! Ain't that the coolest? ;D Hope I didn't spoil his pretty face.
Back to work. Cheers!
[edit, 6.02]
Almost forgot. I'm going to eat Bibimbap tomorrow! :D I tried it in Korea once and fell totally in love with it! Here's a picture of it that is good enough to eat. Fine, blogger is just being mean. Here's the link to the picture instead. ;D little miss random strikes again.
DO! :D
[ 11:03 PM ]
I am very sorry to make you do all these things, only to change it back to the original everything. I found out how you changed the size of the fonts and it was easy as abc. Changing the font size is like the easiest thing ever. As for resizing the blogging space, it look sorta weird so it had to be changed back. Now everything is back to normal and I like it just the way it is. :D I'll just have to figure things out in my own, a little at a time.
THANK YOU, YOU SWEET SWEET KOREAN DO! :Dp.s. For those who are having trouble reading my posts because the fonts are too small, well that's your problem and not mine! *ahem cheryl tan ahem* Small fonts are the in thing now. :D
Labels: thank you
Happy Chinese New Year to all.
[ 10:44 PM ]
Oh wow. It's CNY and I'm trying to finish up my homework. OH THE JOY.
Labels: unsatisfied
Time flew by so fast.
[ 12:10 AM ]
I thought it was only like, around ten or so. It was only until when I looked at the birthday post to Jaejoong , then to the clock at the bottom left corner of the screen and then to the clock above the tele did I realised that it was slightly past 12 midnight.
I fell asleep on the sofa at around 12 plus this morning while waiting for my dark red nails to dry. Then appa woke me up at 1.40am so that I could sleep on something proper. I woke up at eight, trying to pull myslef away from the bed to buy a bottle of nail polish remover. It ran out the day before yesterday so I had to paint my nails carefully this time. My left hand looks fine, but my right one turned out to be a little messier than usual. Guess I really need a lot of practice before I get perfectly painted nails like my sister.
Coincidentally, my sister and I painted our nails the same colour which only made my nails look worst, compared to hers. Head off to church and practically stoned there as it was combined service, which means Chinese all the way. There was even hokkien, which I totally catch no ball. I had my bible open to that chaper, that verse, so I could understand it. Heh.
There was a session where by they introduced the new ex-co of YM 2009 and truthfully speaking,
I am kind of _____ cause i wasn't even chosen for the comm. I mean, most of the sec fours this year are already in the com, which makes me look just as bad as ever. I know, I doubt I have any of the qualities needed to be in the comm. According to Xuewei, they pick the members by their attitude. So, me not being in the comm... means am just not as good.Feeling this way about is totally wrong, that I know, god uses His people in His own way, in ways that we can't see. But, why? I'm not asking anything big like actually being in the comm, but at least tell me where on earth am I suppose to serve you, Lord? I can't do much with the keyboard, or at least I don't think I can and other than being an usher, I have nothing. I just want to serve you to the best of my abilities, yet I don't even know what they are at all. I'm not the kind angel that treats everybody oh-so-nice(yes, or at least, I think that way), I'm not exactly musically talented. So, am I going to serve you? I always had and will always have a desire to serve you, but I just don;t now how to do so. Playing the keyboard is just fine, but I can't seem to bring my confidence level up. I lost my file of songs(I think) and I can't really side read.I get nervous and screw up every single song, even the Doxology which is meant to be the simplest song ever.So, how What...?
When service ended, I wished some people a happy CNY, went down to chat with Alicia for a while before going to the sheltered area to watch the guys and Ling play Chapteh. Yu Lei was awesome as usual, and Lawerence is getting better at it. Ling Hui had her occasional screams which we were all totall used to by now. HAHAHA. Quiet and shy? I think the quiz got it wrong Ling, you are SO NOT. HAHAHA.
The rest of the day was fine. My appa fetch umma and I home to rest a little before heading to Wisma to do some last minute shopping. After transferring the lost but found Korean songs back into my phone, it is left with only a pathetic amount of 162mb in the memory stick. Of course, not adding the 33mb of phoe memory space that is. After wisma, we headed to Bugis junction and then to Bugis Village where we did more shopping. Boy, we sure spent a lot of money today.
<3 A great CNY eve. Hurrah.
Labels: bittersweet
[ 12:04 AM ]
To the one and only, Kim Jaejoong! ♥
I think quite a number of people know how much I love you, and indeed I do. I LOVE YOU INTO BITS! ♥
Another year has gone by and just look how much you have grown! Sure you have made many fans along the way and did countless things to wow us every now and then. Sometimes, even breathing is a problem when just talking about you or just thinking about you. Hyperventilating is always such a common thing and sometimes, it lasts for quite a while. Heh.
Just want to let you know that you did a great job of brightening up my life and many others too. So continue singing, to make such beautiful music and never let what others say to you get into your head. Especially what the horrible anti fans say. Smile, Jaejoong. Never frown.
Even though it was only recently that I knew you and the other members of DBSK, it was even more recent that I finally got what this equation meant. 5-1=0. Yes, that wonderful equation that I would never fail to see it everyday. Honestly speaking, I do love you more than the other members of DBSK. But how can I help it? You are just...well, you! :D
Once again, Happy 23rd Birthday from all your adoring fans to YOU!
You know we love you, XOXO
Labels: birthday.♥
A mental note.
[ 5:32 PM ]
Continue from Jingwen's name.
[ 9:32 PM ] is officially labeled as an unsafe site, which means I'm stuck with this blog skin to who knows when. I wanted a skin similar to this, but with bigger font and writing space. Other than that, I'm fine. Changing the main picture is easy now.
I found a very nice picture of a merry go round horses. It has a very vintage feel and I like it oh so much. :D
Well, off to do art. Cheers!
Labels: ♥
[ 5:17 PM ]
This whole week was the worst week of 2009. Weekends not included. I've got scolded or warned by a few teachers regarding homework, bringing of books etc. Everything just felt so wrong, yet it was just the way it was, as it has been yesterday, the day before, the day before that and many other days. The only thing missing was my handphone. I could hardly communicate with anyone unless I see them face to face, or through my home phone. Since I forbid myself to use the computer on weekdays as there are so many assignments to do and meeting to attend. Computer time would just make my life topsy turvy.
My hand phone is a need, not a want. Without that, it would seem that I'm cut off from the world. plus, since I can put important notes on the screen, remembering things would be so much easier. Without it, life would be tough. Once my phone was returned to me two days later(15th Jan), everything went back to normal. I did my homework and handed it up on time. And I am proud of myself to say that I've completed all the homework but PoA as the next lesson is on Tuesday, so I have a day to complete it along with any other assignments that the teachers would so ruthlessly throw at us. Heh.
Nothing interesting happened this week but the oh so awesome CCA Orientation yesterday. I may have arrived later than usual, but I was there when the shift started which was not so bad. taking into consideration that I woke up late again. Although I am in AA, ballon sculpting was never my thing. Infact, I have a slight phobia of them. When they pop that is. But after two years in AA, I seldom scream when a ballon pops. My ears would just hurt from it, since we did the ballon scupting lessons in an enclosed area. A small SOVA room that held quite a number of people and a lot of ballons to go with it.
As I couldn't sculpt balloons for nuts, I wrote things like "I ♥ ARTS ALIVE!", "JOIN ARTS ALIVE!" and " I DID. You should too!" on masking tape and started pasting them on the members back, front, or sleeve. I had a "JOIN ARTS ALIVE!" on my front and a "I ♥ ARTS ALIVE!" on my back. Once Rachel came, we went out promoting for our CCA, competing with the rest of the CCAs, especially ODAC, Guides and Band. We stopped random sec ones and put the strap on their wrist, shouted "JOIN ARTS ALIVE!" almost everywhere and turns out that we got A LOT of members in the end.
One hell of a good time. And of course, I went home with a Track and Field thing around my neck, countless stickers on my front, a neon orange strap on my left arm, a neon pink strap on my right arm and a "I ♥ ARTS ALIVE!" taped on my back. I got a few stares on my way
home to tuiton. Who cares? I bet they have seen a number of students looking like that. Heh.
Tuition was tiring. We were learning the chapter on extraction of metals and Ben tested us on the reactions on metals with acids and water. AND the extraction of iron. D:
The whole lot of us were feeling lethargic throughout the whole two hours even with the packet(s) of snacks Jazreel so kindly bought for us. The CCA orientation took a lot out of me.
Anyway, today was alright as usual. I planned out what I wanted to wear today so it wasn't much of a drag. Sunny Singapore is going to give me a tan. ): Service was good. Great job on the drum Jolene! I know you can and will do better next time! :D
It was only when I reached the lift then I found out that I got home and it took me a while to remember that I walked home as I didn't felt tired, nor was I perspiring.
Got to go but some CNY goodies with momma and pappa. Cheers yall!
Labels: ♥
That perv.
[ 6:03 PM ]
On my way home my pinafore flew up three times AFTER I took off my shorts in school. Oh the joy.
Art was totally awesome today. Well, more or less. The final pieces freaked me out a litttle as Ms Low went through what the seniors did. Hopefully I'll be able to do a better job with time management than them and maybe even do better than them.
Now, unfortunately, the drawing of Jaejoong won't be up here until Friday, as my phone has been sent for repair and will be back tomorrow. I drew him while watching music bank. last night. By the way,
congratulations to Big Bang, Wonder Girls and last but not least, DONG BANG SHIN KI. :D
'So Hot' by wonder Girls is a song with a catchy tune and it boosts your self confidence to the max. A little too much on the egoistic side, but nevertheless, enjoyable. HAHAHA. However bad they performed it live, I still love it to bits. :D It is real tough to dance and sing atthe same time, especially if the moves are a little complicated.
'All the boys be loving me, girls be hating me. They'll never stop, cause they know I'm so HOT, HOT!'Big 'EW!' to girls generation. Now I know why Joey doesn't like them. Speaking of Joey, she didn't fall asleep while copying Geography, neither was she stuck in the toilet bowl. She was sick! HAHAH.
Anyway, SS is begining to interest me! :D Lets hope I do well for my Humanities this year. SS being the last period, Ms Ong let us off a little early. Once the bell rang, I got Hillary and gang to lunch with me and showed Hillary the sketch of Jaejoong. She totally like fangirl screamed over it I practically flipped my sketch book open when I was bored to see his gorgeously gorgeous face.
That's about it for today. Just a simple update. Cheers! ;D
Labels: ♥
Ain't that cool?
[ 1:18 AM ]
I just finished drawing Jaejoong. :D
Labels: ♥
Break out.
[ 9:45 PM ]
Yet another tiring day. I slept at three am this morning, no thanks to the Geography punishment. It was to copy out a whole chapter from the textbook. No sweat? Well, think again. My right hand was throbbing with pain after I finished the last word. Lesson learnt: To complete all Geography assignments and hand it up on time.
I had my hopes up that my brother would be oh so kind to stay with me until I finished copying but no, he went up stairs to bed and left me suffocating in silence. My only source of light was the light above my head. The rest of the house had an eerie silence so I decided to listen to 98.7 on my phone. At least it distracts my mind, preventing it from wondering off to who knows where. Lala land was calling me to sleep and I started nodding without knowing it myself. Thankfully, the fridge still had a couple of chocolate cubes and sweets. The last sweet manage to last until I finished my work, thank God! Praise the Lord!
With that, I glance at the clock on my phone, trying not to look at the the large black crack that was at the top right hand corner. It was spreading, as if bleeding from a wound. If I had to stare at it any longer I would cry. Packed my bag and went to bed. Amazingly, I woke up at 5.45am. Looking back at my past experiences, I thought that I would have over slept. Once again, praise the Lord! However, when my parents spoke to me in the morning regarding breakfast, I think my tone was a little too rude. My apologies.
Headed to school with my breakfast in hand and reluctantly stuffed it down. I had to, or I would starve before it even reached 10. It turned out that I was already starving half way through SS. Everyone was dead tired today. Joey did not turn up, so either she is sick or she really over slept. PoA lesson was by far, the most boring lesson for today. Whatever went in went out the other side. I could not concentrate. Mentally tired, obviously. I started nodding after 10minutes or so.
After the bell rang, my friends and I went down for lunch and worked on some things for the Global Village project and rushed over to Ben's place for Math tuition. Honestly, I was looking forward to going for tuition, After missing a number of lessons, it felt sort of awkard.
Dragged myself home with a growling stomach and ate dinner the moment I got home. Showered in warm water at nine and here I am. Now what's top on my priority list is the sketch of Jaejoong that I'm about to do as soon as I hit the 'PUBLISH POST' button.
I guess that's about it for today. The photos won't be up until later when I actually have some free time. Cheers, have goodnight.
Labels: just another update
My apologies.
[ 9:07 PM ]
It's been some time since I last updated. Anyway, school has started and I'm already up to my neck with the amount of homework. It only has been the sixth day of school and there's so much to do, yet so little time. Well, I was kind of looking forward to going back to school. Not that I'm crazy or anything but, it's just the holidays. When they come and you had enough fun, rotting at home and almost believing that boredom could actually kill wished you were back at school. Once school starts, you found out that what you said that time was so absurd that you'd rather be rotting at home than be at school.
Maybe that's just the way it's suppose to be? Heh.
Surprisingly, this year Chinese became one of my favourite subjects. I guess it's just the teacher. I'm not implying that my previous teachers were not good, it's just that her teaching style is different. Slight changes could do us some good after all. Recently, she just gave us a short paragraph to memorise for our paper one. It turned out to be really fun and hearing her singing our praise really made my day. Her name is Mrs Tang and she teaches only the sec fours. Although she said that she isn't really popular with the students in the school, whoever she teaches is sure to like her. She kept stressing on the amount of hard work we must put in in order to be ready for Chinese 'O' levels on the 1st of June. It is coming real soon and when it does, I pray to God that I'll be able to score well so as to focus on the other subjects.
Speaking about the other subjects, Mathematics is scaring me. It's not that I don't understand, but she's just going at a too fast of a pace. I do get it, I just need time to let the things sink in. Plus, she expects us to give her the answer almost immediately after she asks the question. I need some more reaction time to think!
Now, as for English... I kept feeling so inferior. My English standard is obviously below the other two in my class who are also taking express English. Recently, we have been learning how to write descriptive essays and our teacher told us to describe three things. A building, a watercraft(eg. a ship or boat) and a scene at the Singapore river. Since I don't have a wide range of vocabulary and not much ideas to elaborate on, the small paragraph was made out of words and ideas that looked like as if it was written by some primary school student. I feel utterly embarrassed to have to hand it up to my teacher. Descriptive writing was never one of my fortes. Unless I was given unlimited amount of time to write it and a dictionary, and perhaps a thesoraus beside me and of course, the mood to write. Then I am able to produce something of proper standard.
Sigh. Now lets talk about what's killing me the most. Homework. I have incompleted art homework. One that I don't really feel like doing and another two that I am so excited about. The first one is drawing a slice of bread with all the annoying details IN BLACK INK. I have to finish that later or else mould would start to grow. The other two is to make two drawings of anything I like. My first one would be Kim Jaejoong(Heh, Dong Bang fan) and the next would be my pair of awesome(awesome-ly free, that is!) sunnies I got from my father. And of course, not to forget the Chinese comprehension that has a really interesting passage and page 387, question seven of the PoA textbook.
That's sec four life for you. there's more to come where that came from.
"I want to hear your voice so badly right now. I keep tracing the numbers on my cell phone."
-something from the ending song of
Junjou Romantica, my current craze. ;D
Labels: the bright side of life~
[ 10:42 PM ]
Yes, I AM blind. HAHAHA.
Tagged by Xuewei.
1. Who is the person who tagged you?
2. Relationship between you and her?
3. Five impressions of her?
Spastic, mad, boy-ish.
4. If she becomes your enemy , what will you do?
I'll be friends with her again.
5. What would you like to say to the person you like very much?
I have no idea.
6. Characteristic I like about myself?
I don't know. ):
7. Characteristic I hate about myself?
8. For the person you hate you say?
Ignorance is bliss.
9. What do people feel about you?
Weird. Spastic and crazy.
10. Your crush?
That's fro me to know and fore you to find out. Pick 10 ppl :
1. Kenna
2. Hui Qi
3. Kendra
4. Shaun
5. Chao Yi
6. Xue Zhen
7. Val Wong
8. Cleris
9. Clement Eng
10. Chee Keong! XD
12. If 5 & 7 were tgt? [ Chaos and Val]
Argh. No. He is attached. Plus, I doubt she'll like him anyway.
13. What does 5 like? [ Chaos ]
Sofia? ;D
14. What colour does number 9 like? [ Claire ]
Not sure. Heh.
15. Say something about number 8? [ Melina ]
16. Who is number 2? [ HQ ]
One of my BFFs. ;D
17. Talk about number 3? [ Kendra ]
Thinking student.
18. Who's number 10's best friend? [ Chee Keong ]
Wei Shiang? Just guessing.
19. Who is the sexiest among the 10 people?
Val Wong! DUH.
20. What colour does 4 like? [ Shauna ]
I have no idea.
21. Is 4 single? [ Darius ]
Yeap. I think...
22. Your relationship with number 1 [ Germaine ]
BFFs. :D
23. Are 5 & 6 best friends ? [ Xujun & Yaonian ]
24. 9's surname? [ Claire ]
25. 7's nickname? [Val. W.]
Val. Wong. (:
17 mins and 20 seconds.
[ 9:41 PM ]
Now, that's not enough time to even upload 10 pictures. Weekends then. (:
Today was great! :D Thank goodness Wenjin changed the meeting time to 2pm which wasn't good but at least it was better then 10am. I met HQ at the steps today. Seemed like she was looking kind of reluctant to go up the stairs. She can walk, but the bandage is still on so, yeah.
She said she had something to pass to me so I had to come earlier. I tried but I just couldn't make it for prayer meeting. It was the first one this year! D: Oh wells, we had a few laughs at the clubhouse before we made our way to the grey doors at the other end for service at 1030.
Inside, it was cold and to top it off, Xuewei wore a black sleeveless top and I wore a light blue skirt. HQ kept saying I told you so. Jokingly , of course. At least we know that she's back, alive and more or less well. HAHAH.
Due to our small chit chat before service started, I could hardly finish my prayer when Pastor Chua asked the congregation to rise. So, fandom got the best of me this time. Heh. Cloud and Dante, you owe me one.
It felt kind of weird, not only because I didn't had time to pray and all, worship was kind of weird. Looks like Xing Xing needs to work on his transitions more. No problems with the slides though, they were great! :D I mean, the songs were fine, it's just how he went from one song to the next. It was as if he totally ignored the flow and went on to the next song. There's still room for improvements, so yeah. All the best for the next time! (:
Anyway, when it was time for sermon, I'd usually doze off cause it's all in Chinese even though there was a translator. But, there wasn't one today. tough luck then. I tried my very best to stay awake, even when I nodded off I tried to make it look like I was awake or it was on purpose. Heh. Oh, and I thought Xuewei how to the the 'whatever-major-loser' sign. the look on her face was hilarious.T
Service ended at 12 plus. I had lunch with the YM-ers this time with the money given by Umma. It was raining then... and how I hate the rain. ): Went back to church for a breather. After watching the guys and Xuewei playing chapteh(I felt like a sore loser then), I rushed off to EC Macs for a meeting regarding AA.
Left the place around four and stoned at home till 530pm. Like seriously, I STONED. Finished up the last of my Chemistry holiday homework, showered and ate my dinner while watching Minute Men again. Interesting movie. After all that, i packed the table and my bag for tomorrow and here I am!
Feeling a little drained, so shall stop here and do some final surfing before I sleep. Cheers!
Labels: ♥, just my cup of sundae
Abby, you look awesome with your new hair.
[ 11:20 PM ]
I don't like mine. D:
OKay, before I leave, just a short update on the Night watch. (:
It was THE A-W-E-S-O-M-E-N-E-S-S. :D
Everything ended with a fun time with sparklers which I am afraid of, some how. I got some photos of it before it burned out. :D Daryl and Yu lei were playing chapteh. Now, that wouldn't usually make me scream and run away but this time, they played it with a sparkler stuck in the middle. Like, OMGOSH.
Leonard got pictures or even videos of it, no doubt. The first few kicks were alright. Once it started to fly sky high, most of us cleared out. Yu Lei is awesome at chapteh, but even the best can fall too. The chapteh came flying at my direction and I screamed who knows how many times and ran for cover. D:
Yeelynn got burned by a spark from a sparkler. ): Wow, the first injury of the year. Anyhoo, it was fun, no doubt about it. A memorable start of the year! :D Those who weren't there, yall missed a heck of a good time. Now, go wish my Momma a Happy Belated Birthday! It was on the 1st!
Labels: ♥
After the finals. :D
[ 8:34 PM ]
Finally, I have the time to put up photos. (: Here's a flashback off 2008. Heh.
Nothing much happened during the first half of the year. At least, not that I can remember any since my computer had problems and I lost photos again. ):
So, lets just go on with what happened after my Finals. :D
Shanghai Exchange program! :D :D
Val W. and I(Looking horrible with bangs) , after saying our goodbyes to our parents.

From left to right: Tricia, Cheryl, myself(Still looking horrible with bangs), Val Wong, Val Koh and Ruth(who took the picture), cam whoring just before we board the plane.

Boo! And we're in Shanghai! Our first bus trip and it was freezing cold. Not to mention hungry! By the way, that's Val up there. (:

Jia Yu and I having our first dinner in Shanghai!

After our lil shopping trip= more cam whoring. :D At that time, I have yet to perfect my zi pai-ing skills, so I cut off myself every now and then.


Val's expression was PRICELESS. And to top it off, I caught it on my cam. XD

From left to right: Val Wong, Cheryl, Val Koh and Emily!

Val Wong, myself and Val Koh at the bridge. Still with awful looking bangs. ): Ruth was saying how we didn't inform her that we were wearing shorts/mini skirts and she wasn't that happy that she couldn't wear hers. Heh.

pink flowers.

Clockwise: Yuan May, Tricia, Cheryl, myself and the Vals.

We hugged not only because we love each other but also because the table was VERY shaky. Look! We wore leggings on the same day. :D

Last group photo before we left the place.
Left to right: Val, Emily, myself, Cheryl, Val and Tricia.

Lunch was after that. The food was better this time. (: Dessert was some Yam thing and it was so good that I ate three. Heh.
Our table mates for the whole trip! Left to right:
Val, myself, Val, Cheryl, Ruth, Tricia, Jai Yu and Emily.

Silk factory was next up for our sight seeing places. (:

Tiny silk worms, see?

Close up.

No pictures on silk quilts other than this as I was too busy watching to take a photo. Even if I tried, it all happens so fast!

Next up was the silk clothes and souvenirs. Now, who does this reminds you off? ;D This piece of art here is 100% silk! It looks pretty and the price is very 'pretty' too. Heh.

Now, what's fabulous silk clothes without a runway show to show it off?

I like the red one you see back there. :D

Here you see a lady in a blue silk dress with prints. At the back you can see Joycelyn taking a photo too.

Now for a trio! I like the white one best. :D

And that marks the end of the fashion show~ Next up, a visit to the palace!

A different angle. (:

Joycelyn and her sister, Qian Ying! :D

My phone was dying here. Both on battery and memory. D:

On the way back, we walked through tis lil street that sold many things. Heh. Peishan and I were fooling around with the stuff till the owner scolded us. OH! And I saw the Beijing Olympic Keychains there. At first it was 90 yuan. When we started to run away cause it was too expensive, she shouted 10 yuan. LIKE, WTH. D:
Stopping here to catch my Korean drama. I have at least an hour left till it ends. Don't worry, i'll be continuing the photos tomorrow! :D
Labels: ♥