[ 3:37 PM ]
yeap. changed the skins! :d well, i have a backup skin and another skin just incase i need to change yeah.
anyways, i've been rather busy, so if i don't update, i'm either doing homework or watching CCS. :D
all the best to everyone out there! :D
Labels: random update
makeover much?
[ 11:08 AM ]
yeap. i'm gonna change my blogskin. AGAIN.
yeap yeap. i mean, i like this one alot, though there's just too much space~ XD
so, i'l thinking of the colour pink..or something. i can't seem to find really nice ones. SO, if you have any suggestions, tag it. :D
i've been searching for a new skin for quite some time now. i really like the buttons one, but its a problem when i want to put in the videos here..
and, yeah, basically i have very high expectations for the blogskins with buttons..
as for the type i'm currently using, it's alright i guess. i just don't like empty spaces. fill it up with some awesome background with awesome pics, then i'll pick that. :D
plus, i want one with nice fonts and the 'wants' section. apperently this one doesn't. i think i;m asking too much. well, some might say, 'if you want so many things, why don't you go make one yourself?!'
i would love to but i have no idea how to, and i don't have the time...
okay okay, i'll stop here. next is the worship and testimony post :D
Labels: blog makeover
today is a new day...
[ 9:48 PM ]
i served as a keyboardist today. ALONE.
it was alright i guess. i found that it was a really godd experience for me. plus, i would like to thank everyone who encouraged and prayed for me. also, thanks for coming down to support me during the worship pract on friday! a smile, a hug, gentle words..anything that helped me along the way. THANKS!!!
just to name a few...
okay okay. well, after worshi...
why don't we start before that. better, no? XD
anyways, i was busy practising playing the keyboard. familiarising myself with the cords and the inversions, minors, sharps and flats, adding the melody. XD
i practised tilll my heel hurt like hell. and i mean, really hurt like hell. so much that i had to pack up the keyboard and rest. so, yeah. i rested ate my din din, and head off to church.
well, at first, i was really scared. as in really. i could do anything, my hands were trembling(from the cold or nervousness, i don't know) and i kept getting all the cords wrong or played them at a wrong timing. i sucked.
then i relaxed a little, chng came over with a few word of encouragements. i looked over at jo and she gave me a you-can-do-it smile :D and shaun, being the guitarist was standing beside me and flashed the same exact smile. :D Ling walked over and helped me with the first song by teaching me E7 and A7. Chng walked over afetr seeing me so darn scarde/nervous and helped too. he gave me the beat thingy. ( and boy, i love it. it's so fun!) so... law gave the signal for everyone to get ready and jo started! XD The first song(my redeemer lives) was easy as ha;f of the song was made up of E7 and A7.
it was only up til the part before the pre-chrous(?) where there was a B followed by an A and a B(which was actually a A/B). i mean, it looks simple right? but the beat was different. so yeah.
chng was beside me, guiding me through the first song. yay chng!! :DDDD
well, the other songs were alright. i just had some problem flipping the pages.
the touhest songs were you're so faithful and the last chinese song.
actually, the 'you are so faithful' song was easy to play, just that they used this song before and ling who was the keyboardist at that time scribbled the chords for the song after transposing it. it was so messing(no offence) but it was just so hard to see that i got lost more than 3 times. ^^||
well, then there was my brother. he happened to be the soundman for this sunday's worship. i noticed something: whenever i was serving as a keyboardist/ assistant keyboardist, my bro was either the backup singer/ co-worship leader or the soundman. haha. well, he was always there, (chillaxing by the back XD) giving me encouraging smiles and also he mouthed the words of encouragements to me:D
yeap. so the last song. yes, it was rated the hardest for me. >,<
well, two reasons on why was it the hardest:
1) there was a part after the verse that goes like this: D/E D E D/F# E/G#.
out of the six times, i messed up almost three. >,< but somehow i really like
that part.
2) i kept forgetting to look at the handsigns. i mean, sure looking while playing
is easy for me. but i just kept forgetting for that song. that was why (if you
were there during the worship pract) shaun was seen whispering/ saying to me
something. he was saying the chords out to me.
on sunday itself, everything turned out alright! PRAISE THE LORD!!!! :DD well, at the start, my hands were trembling. then jo came over and prayed for me. su came over and gave me a hug and alicia waved and smiled at me. :D
haha, the cutest reaction was from KENDRA!! She was like, you're playing today?!? and gave that oh-so-adorable suprised look. ^v^ heh heh.
thanks everyone! well, the testimony thing is not yet done. no time. cheers!
Labels: update
[ 8:53 PM ]
today, the YMers and YFers played taboo. It was so fun!!
You should have heard how they described the stuff, so funney!!
welll, i have not touched taboo for a long long, and i really mean.. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. So i basically SUCK AT IT.
yeah, and if i did better, i could have...OKAY. NO I-COULD-HAVE talk here. this a is a HAPPY POST!!!
Besides, i have many things that i would like to thank God for today. XD
now heres some stuff said while playing taboo.
JOLENE: When you eat to much junk food you'll have it in your stomach!!
MING HUI: Diabeties!
*everyone laughs out loud*
JOLENE: It's in the STOMACH Ling! *laughs*
GINA AND I: TIME'S UP! *still laughing*
JOLENE: The word was '
XIANG: Hui Yu is a...
EVERYONE except xiang: DUCK!
*everyone burst out laughing*
HUI YU: EH! *laughing*
her nickname is DUCK. It so happened that three of the cards were related to
XIANG: Hui Yu is a...
XIANG: Makes...
*everyone's still laughing*
LING HUI: Eh, what was word? *laughing*
XIANG: The sound..*laugh*
LING HUI: OH! Quack! XDDD *more laughing~*
XIANG: I couldn't say '
HUI YU: SEE! My nickname got so many uses!! :D
* everyone laughs out even more *
ME: eh eh, you put the thing into another thing and it turns black!
* everyone stunded *
HUI YU: What was it?
ME: Toast.
* everyone laughs *
HUI YU: LOL. She was talking about the toaster. since the word
toast was in it, she couldn't *laugh* use it. *laugh*
XIANG: Migh Hui's friend who died~
LING HUI: Ah Meng!!
* everyone laughs *
Ming Hui is a kind, bubbly and optimistic girl, a great friend and church sister. She was the first person i met when i went for the sunday YM service. Plus, everyone knows that she loves going to the zoo, and was kinda sad when Ah Meng, the orang utan passed away.
AND THAT'S ABOUT IT. i picked out the funniest stuff that i could remember! :D
yeah. well, next post would be about the worship/ service and what happened. also, do welcome back *drumroll* TESTAMONY TIME!!!! and, the PRAYER REQUESTS!!
Labels: taboo
[ 6:55 PM ]
get out of my head.
get out of my life.
i don't want you,
you've caused me so much pain.
i hate you,
but i love you.
leave me alone.
leave those memories behind.
let them be untouched, forever.
yes it's true.
[ 6:30 PM ]
life's getting boring. well. homework homework and more homework. what doya expect? .....
pfft. NANDE!!>,<
Labels: random
well, nothing much.
[ 5:40 PM ]
except that i got back my report book today.
*dramatic music plays in the background*
yes. my report book. everyone's happy with my results. friends, parents...ALL BUT MYSELF.
really. i mean, i was happy. my happiness got blew away by the i-didn't-do-good-enough wind. well, i have really high expectations of myself, and my friends and jealous that i passed with flying colours.
to me, the colours are flying but the only colours i see are black and white.
it's just..not good enough. it has never been good enough for me. at least, i need to like, score for english. the paper was so hard and when i got back my paper and saw the marks...
i just stoned there. and i felt like crying. it was the lowest i ever got.
yeah. so now...the june hols would be packed with tones of stuff. mostly homework..RAH.
on a happier note!! yay!
i got 71.1% !!! first time ever! still, i can't qualify for express stream. i need to get above 75% and it's too late anyways. three years of catching up, i don't think i'm able to do that..
i've been reading a lot of books these days! and i think i broke my record!! :D
i bet that i would have borrowed more than 20(?) books after june hols thanks to me going there for cip hours. XD i'm gonna get 100hrs get this year! MUST MUST!:D
okay. now i'm hungry. rah. it was a super busy day today. i totally was behind schedule...
-my tuition teacher canceled the lesson today
-doreen suggested that we should do up the notice board next week :D
yeap. BUT. because of all these rushing and all... i ate very little for lunch(which explains why am i so hungry now.). so, i shall eat nutella and some bread thing! :D
Labels: random update
[ 9:33 PM ]
too lazy/tired to press the space button. XD
well, yeah. i'm not that happy as my previous skin had no archives. so i'm currently searching for a new one.
just bear with this temporary one,(yay, PINK! XD)alright? i don't really like this one too, but i was in a rush, and i like, changed the links and all. so i'll be sticking to this till i find a nicer one.
so sorry that the tagboard isn't up yet. i'll get it done by NOW.
UPDATED ON 22ND MAY 2008, 9.40 PM.
Labels: undercontruction
IJ Fiesta and the checkered guy part two-Long-
[ 11:08 PM ]
yeah. the stall. we are called JU-KIES!! :D
So come down here and chill out!
we know you want to~XD
yeah well, seeing that it's uber hot these days(33 dgress. wth?) we decided on selling someTHing refreshing. So, yeah.
My shift wasn't until...urm. THE LAST, so i helped out by selling the cookies(made with love yall!) and jellies.
lemme tell you ah! I was with my good friend VAL wong and she was like tottaly using her'famous' val wong charm to get the people to buy the cookies.
i helped by collecting the coupons and giving my oh-so-friendly smile! :D
yeah. we sold the home made ones fast, as in like, whoosh! gone! :D while the chips more were given to urm the ones who wanted thoese without love, or likes to eat chocolate, or even...when the last two packets of cookies were the chips more ones. XD
oh, then i sold the jellies with my othe friend, but it didn't sell out as fast as the cookies though. i had to go and like, do you want to buy some jelly? it's made with LOVE~
SAW THIS HOT GUY WEARING SOME RED CHECKERED LIKE TOP. Well, he practically bought both the cookies and the jellies. he was like, some
loner or somehting. but still,
yeah well. okay back to whatever. well, it was damn hot(
I MEAN THE WHETHER, NOT THE HOT GUY XD) i tell you. So hot that i had to try to dunk myself. but failed, as no one wanted to dunk me. -bleah. tooo nerd-sih-so i went to the mindsweeper stall and asked my friend to dump wter on me. after changing into my black shirt that is.
two times, and it was still not enough. Mins later, and i really mean
MINUTES the water evaporated and i was dry and feeling warm. well, then the totally
Loner i tell you. he dunked the person and walked away. just like that. i really wanted to talk to him. well, just to see what's up and all. XD maybe get his number?? XDD yeah well, not only that, he came to the stall 6 to 7 times to buy our drinks!!(so i've heard) Plus, i wasn't there!
i think he likes my other friend. (lucky her man)yeah. well, that's why the tittle of the posts was like
IJ fiesta and the checkered guy. yeah. my class's peeps calls him the
checkered guy.
so yeah. i then i went to the big slide. kiddy-ish, but still fun. for once i got to see teo jin leng's hyper side. XD she so totally rolled down the slide!! :D as in really! Oh, i spent most of my time with jia yu, my friend~~
she said that the slide was so hard to climb up. damn easy!! :DD
oh, and there was the foam party, gladiator and the lazer quest. unfortunatley, i couldn't find a group so i couldn't play it. sad, no?
ANYWAYS, i spent my remaining time buying the badges that the ARC(autorobotics club)people made(so adorable~) i had nothing to do. i was left with 8 bucks. yeah. what to do? well, i left the coupons on the chair where the three fivians who were mending the stall placed their bags.then step took them. it was alright. she used it to buy food for herself anyways. XD
oh, and our drinks stall lasted the LOOOOOOOOOOONGEST!! :D YAY US! A BIG THANKS TO THE SCHOOL'S DRINKS STALL UNCLE for helping us! thanks a lot! :D
yeah, well, we sold out of fruits(damn nice i tell you)so we had to close. oh and at the start of the fiesta, i drank water. as ink drink. different tyoes of drink. i felt bleah-ish so i ate and felt even more bleah-ish. so, in the end, i ate evry little but drank a lot.
yeap yeap. we packed our stall and left. while i used the coupons that my friend gave me to buy the ARC badges. yay! if you guys know me, you might/might not be able to see the stuff that i bought. yay! :DD
OH AND YOU KNOW WHAT? MY BRO WENT. (YES HE DID) AND HE COULDN'T FIND ME! HE KEOT BUMPING INTO MY FRIENDA THAT HE KNEW. ASKED AGAIN AND AGAIN WHERE WAS I. kept pointing/saying there! but he couldn't find he. he found the stall, but not me.
well, i was busy selling cookies/jellies! :D
yeap. went home and like, dozed off for a while. XD
excuse me for all the whatever mistakes. still not used to my new com's keyboard.
POSTED AT 11.40PM 17TH MAY 2008
Labels: FIESTA
IJ Fiesta and the checkered guy part one
[ 10:30 PM ]
yeah. as you can see. this post is all about ij fiesta and what the heck happened there. :D
well, for all you guys who went, hope yall had a better time than me. As for all those who couldn't make it, READ on!
It started off with us at the assembly area with Joe teo saying something that would always cause some random giggles and laughters. Really.
We had our assembly and BOOM! The members of the student council were up on stage! they were doing this funney dance thing to kick start off SPIRIT DAY that was before the fiesta.
I really have no idea what spirit day is. i just kept hearing the council members saying "to foster school spirit" again and again every now and then~
yeah, it started off with the council dancing and shouting with all their might, just to make sure that everyone could hear what they were saying. XD
First tehy were like, hey, let us teach you a cheer! then they told us to go collect stuff for the inter-class competition. It was to see who could glam upo the place with the materials given!! lol.
yeah. there's some pics at tiffany's journal thing, so do see~
yeah. we lost, but it's alright! we still had some FUN. :DD
I HATE BALLOONS. if you were to pop one near me, and it scares me or someting, boy, YOU ARE GONNA GET IT.
well, then it was cheering time! here are the cheers!
We've got FAITH! F-A-I-T-H!
We've got HOPE! H-O-P-E YEAH!
We've got LOVE! L-O-V-E WHOO~
well, there one more..but yeah i forgot. so let's continue~~
after the cheer, off we go to ij fiesta!
i went to my class's stall, which was JU-KIES!
Which stands for juices + cookies~ yeah. awesome right?
Passerby: lol. Ju-kies? You've got to be kidding...
Me: Oh yeah? Hey! Riku, come here would ya?
Riku: 'sup babe!
Me: Well this person..(explains stuff)
Riku: Hey dude, look up!
Passerby: Wha-
*riku slices the passerby into half with his blade*
Me: *giggle*
okay, so it started off...
Labels: FIESTA
[ 2:00 PM ]
YES. today was the day that mel(me) and val painted the banner.
it was so tiring.
Well, they had to do three coats of brown for the wheels, three or more coats of yellow for the hole in the wheel , the connectors(for the wheels and train) and the lovely bell.
Also, they did two coats of green for the top part of the train, and one coat of blue for the door of the train.
Well, since the one litre can of red piant is way a lot, they decided to do more coats for the train which is red, with the words "THROUGH TRAIN" in the windows. Around five coats, so as to bring out the colour.
The other colours would also be painted over, provided that there would be enough coats.
okay okay. well, both mel and val(lol, it rhymes) painted, got tones of paint on themselves and yeah.
okay! enough of the third person ting. well, yeah,. the train was hard to paint. we took like, 4 hours to paint it. and we're not done yet.
so, like i said, we did a lot of coats. we needed to make the colour bright, happy and adorable for everyonje to see it! Unfortunately, we bought black, and the clothe is rather thin. so the paint seeped through and there was like, 'another' train on the newspaper.
okay. well, after sitting the thinner, washing and all(which was damn disgusting cause of the oil and whatever)the etc, we did most of the train. we're left with the door and the choo choo thing. also the front part of the train which is to be orange. well, still gots loads of things to do.
we stayed back till 7 plus, as we did the banner by ourselves. reasone being...IT'S A SECRET!! XD really.
okay, well, yeah. will be doing the remaining stuff during the weekends and monday as there's ij fiesta tomorrow.
well, CHEERS! gotta sleep.
Labels: update
MY EXAMS sorry. long post.
[ 1:35 PM ]
yes. this post is totally about my MY exams and stuff~
okay. well. my total score is split like this:
MY exams is 30%. yes 30! i mean, what's up with thaat?!?
Final year exams would be 70%. why? Do the math. 100%-30%= 70%
okay. so basically, if i fail or don't do well for the final years, then I WILL DIE.
okay anyways. results. unlike almost any other year, i shall NOT show you guys my results.
it's not nice enough. lol. what am i talking about? It's never nice enough.
well, overall. my results are kinda okay. i mean. JUST OKAY.
i can't believe that i pass english by only 3+ marks.
Thanks to my summary, i managed to do okay, but i still failed my paper two. -yes i failed.
-the sky is falling . it's the end of the world. NOT.-
okay okay. well, as for chinese..the miraculous thing was that i managed to pass paper one! with rather alrgiht flying colours!!! :D
as for paper tow, not too happy. i needed 5 more marks to pass. yes five.
hopefully, my listening would pull me through. always like that.
OH. and why is it so miraculous???Well, you know the word jian3 fei2 right? The question was to write a letter to your friend who fell sick due to dieting. Help her think of better ways other than dieting and etc.
i totally couln't read the word jian3, so i read the question as write a letter to your friend who fell sick due to her being fat and help her think of ways other than..etc.
i managed to get the points right and all, so i scored-not to boast- higher than the others who read the question correctly! what are the chnces of that happening? well, not much but, HELL YEAH. IT HAPPENED TO ME.
okay. now poa. what's poa? principle of accounts!-srys for the spelling mistake yeah?-
well, it's like math. all the calculating stuff, but it's about money. YEAH. MONEY!
okay. well, there's the debit and credit stuff, with all that whatnots inside.
Plus you have this thing called balance sheet, where yeah. You heard it, balance.
if you don't, you lose some marks.
well, i couldn't balance, but i still passed with an A2. not too bad, i guess.
MATH. don't get me started on math man. well, only five to six people passed, cause..well it's like this:
only some people in my class are suppose to learn express Emath9Thoese who scored 70 and above).
A small number only. So the teacher not wanting to make a fuss and all, he decided to teach the WHOLE class EXPRESS math. He's not much of a good teacher but he's a cool teacher. He just can't teach the basics.
Cause my class isn't very good with the basics(they missed two years of express math. what do you expect?? i did too~), so they couldn't do the much tougher questions later. AND YOU KNOW WHAT? THE EXPRESS PEOPLE GOT LIKE, 80 PLUS TO 90 AND THEY AREN'T HAPPY ABOUT IT. WTH.
Yeah. thanks to my super awesome math/sciences teacher, i passed. yeah. He so rocks.
so. Yes i need to say this. My math teacher(some of you might know him as Mr Lim.)helped me to get an A. Well, A2 that is.. YAY THANKS!! I got second in class by the way. (just telling)
Now social studies. bah. it's bad. I don't want to talk about it. just like, i can only tell you that i passed.
well, i got these on the first day(yesterday), without the change of marks.(Mr Lim thing) That was how bad my day was. I cried. So, that was when the "I cried" Post came from.
okay now on to the next day, which is today. Yeah, today was on a much happier note.
You wanna know why? It's the sciences that we're getting back. That's why. If you know me well enough, you should know that i love science.
well, i got almost the highest. I MEAN, NO I'M NOT THE HIGHEST. SAD RIGHT?!?!
i got beaten by my friend RIJU by half a mark. So not happy. i mean like, three careless mistakes, that i could have avoided if i hadn't panic and not read the question properly.
for example, write the formula of potassium oxide.
yes, the 2 is a small 2 and is at the bottom of the 'O'
Section B got 22.5 upon 25( i have a reason to say this. not boasting)
I got the highest( yay. PRAISE THE LORD. :D)
I though for a moment there that the FnN girls would score higher than me! The Biological Molecules chapter is in FnN and came out in the FnN MY exam paper.
well, they did better than me in section C, which was the biological molecules stuff. By a few marks.
Okay, not is geog.
yeah geog. I knew that my class would score higher than usual as they studied or almost all studied hard for it.
i got highest, tied with two other awesome-ness people. XD
the horror.
i got top for art, which is very suprising as thereare, INFACT there are more talented people than me in my art class.
The total is made out of the still life pastle thing that i did, the wire sculture(i pity my nails man) and the art paper which consists of the five page prep work and the final piece.
The five pages are made out of:
>observational stuff
>colour scheme
yeah. I did awesome for the observational stuff, but the last two pages are totally crapped up like hell. Which are like, the compositions and the colour schemes.
so i intend to redo the whole of the final piece. no time limit rocks man. why??
well, no time limit+ art= high quality work
while TIME LIMIT=art= middle/low quality work. with some high here and there.
oka okay. i got an A2. so yeah. >,< pfft.
well, that it. all nine(?) subs. here.
so, say whatever you want. happy sad, WHATEVR. AND TAGG. REMEMBER TO TAAAAAAAAAG. :D
Labels: update
i cried
[ 9:46 AM ]
i'm sad because i couldn't score as well
i'm jealous of her as she has better marks than me
i'm get angry over minor things, and sometimes vent it out on friends
i hate myself when i vent my anger on my loved ones
i envy her because her life seems so perfect
i'm afraid of the dark and many MANY other things
i feel happy when i've achieved something
i was brave enough to speak up
i have loved and had been loved all these years
i felt smart when i topped the class
i had enough of this
enough of this madness.
i locked all my emotions in a glass box.
i threw away the key
i felt nothing
not anymore
only leaving behind a cold hard shell
as i got back my papers
they flashed past the glass box.
my emotions fought long and hard to break free
to flow through every part of me.
to make me feel alive.
the box vibrated and shook violently
i knew that the glass was unbreakable
but was it really?
somehow the box cracked
somehow sadness broke through
followed by anger...
tears swelled up in my eyes
i knew i was going to cry
my heart ached
but the pain was gone as soon as it came
i took off my specs
laid my head down on the table
minutes later the it was wet
tears rolled down my cheeks to form a little puddle
my friends surrounded me
i ignored them.
the crack was gone as fast as it came
sadness and anger was sucked back in
my emotions were once again under control
in that tiny glass box
i stopped crying
there were no more tears
sitting up right, i prepared myself for the next paper...
so what.
[ 7:44 AM ]
yeah. what say you?
i like what i see, that's why i bought it.(and it was not on impulse)
if you don't like it then pfft. as if i care.
as long as i look good wearing it, then it's fine.
i mean, would you buy something that totally isn't you and you don't look nice wearing it? okay what about this. if you bought something and it looks awesome on you, but it just doesn't bring out the YOU in YOU, or you just don't feel right, why waste money on it?
so, would you rather buy something not as nice but look great or buy something that is so totally 'in' and look not as great?
it's how you carry yourself with it.
not what you are wearing.
if you don't feel good, then meeh, don't buy it.
also, if you wear it properly, it wouldn't look like you picked it out from some garage sale or something.
there i've said my piece. NOW i'm happy. :D
Labels: rant
[ 12:16 PM ]
okay, i just came online to, ya know. the usual.
my mind's clouded with things that are not familiar with me..
what should i do? well. feeling kinda up and down..
no, i'm not pms-ing!XD
haha, at least i didn't lose my humorous self. if not that would be awful.
i have a lot of questions in my head.
but i don't feel like telling anyone about them.
councilling much? :D
haha, no.
okay, well, i gotta get back to work on the mom's day card!
i'm a day late! :/
Labels: weird much?
[ 6:52 AM ]
yeah. i guess so.
i'm addicted to cr. now, can someone please stop me from this!! i really wanna draw.
yeah, though i love chatting, but only if my 'twin' and bro is around. if not...there's not much into it.
anyways, i've been watching vampire knight and making some avis. :D currently watching episode 3 part 2 cause crunchy roll had some problem with the buffering, so i have to resort to youtube. :D
well, i guess i have to give my mom a really late mom's day card. :/
i'll upload a picture of it on dA as soon as i'm done with it.
oh and..
yes, i'm scared, but who wouldn't be?
it's MID YEARS! 30% of our overall results!
yeah. oh and i'm currently doing an art trade with my friend on dA. She's really nice, and her art style is simply beautiful. simple, but really really nice.
some could even pass off as a post card!
anyhoo. i had fun yesterday with hui qi. shopping and all the whatnots.
i really hope that some time in june, all the sec thress in my church's youth min would be free, then we could all go out and have fun.
to the beach maybe?? sun tan, sand castles, beautiful pictures, awesomely delicious food, itsy bitsy teeny weeny swim suits(lol, kidding!), and lovely view! :D
well, yeah. oh, and a big THANKS to all who encouraged or prayed for me during the exam period. May God Bless you with a wonderful day ahead!
Labels: update
[ 6:00 PM ]
hui Qi kept saying that i was 100% bimbo.
At most, i'm 40 to 50% bimbo only . XD

here are three pics of the necklace that i bought! Ohmygosh, it's like only 2 dollars! :D

here's the pair of earrings i bought! i simply adore anything that's stars or butterflies! Shiny, no?

oh and here's the other pair of earring that i bought! yay for the shiny-ness!
well, we had a whale of a time shopping. we saw tones of beautiful dresses that we would love to buy if we had enough money!(unfortunately, we don't)
then there was this awesome shope that sold anime like stuff. suitable for cosplays! ohmygosh, and they have the most adorable corsets! :DD
posted at 10.24pm. :D
Labels: shopping
[ 2:54 PM ]
i seriously feel much better after some awesome chatting at CR.
oh, CR stands for Crunchy Roll.
It's an awesome place where you can make real awesome friends, and watch your fav anime!
oh, and you will have tones of fun doing your profile! No, seriously, its fun!
all the adorable pictures..
Plus you can have your own CR family!
ANYWAYS, yesterday i felt damn weird. Not at all happy even though it was THE END of SA1. Yeah. its the END!! yay!!
So, my little sis at CR, who is my BFF(best friends forever) and 'twin' in real life is so sweet.
She made sure i stayed happy always, and my CR bro is so protective of me! How i wish he was my real bro! :D so sweet~
Yeah, i chatted with them, even got scolded from my mom cause i used the com for too long. Yes, SHE IS PMS-ING.
she scolds me for those little things.
If i make a mess and she scolds me for ot cleaning it up, that's alright. i Hate messes too.
but for things like using the com? PUR LEASE!
Exams are over!! Gimme some space!
not too much or yeah.
gtg. will update next time.
Labels: update
weird much?
[ 3:01 PM ]
the tittle says it all.
well, the last paper of MY exmas is officially over as of today.
I'm free for now.
until studies pulls me back and locks me in a metal cage.
thrown into a dark room.
cold and hard, lost and lonely.
chains are used to stop me from trying to make an escape.
the effing heat makes it hard to think.
hair's in a mess. clothes torn and tattered.
darkness surrounds me.
i'm afraid.
let me spread my wings.
let me break free from this torture.
i yearn to see the light of the world.
Set me free.
i look pass the metal bars,
pass that opaque door.
those are the things that are keeping me to this cold, hard floor.
the keys,
they're gone. the keys to the door.
the keys to metal cage,
thrown down to hell's gate.
both are gone.
my only hope is lost.
crushed into bits.
never to be found again.
rewind and remix.
maybe it was that convo with na.
it sets me thinking. really. hmm. i wonder, i really do.
i don't know.
i'm fine with anything. simple girl who leads a rather simple life.
a little spoilt-so i think i am- but it's quite alright.
competitive, perfectionist, proud.
i talk people, friends of any age.
guy, girl. whatever. they are more or less the same.
i don't really care. as long as i'm talking to someone, i'm fine.
i just need someone to tell things to. confide in. cry with. anything.
to hang out. to hug. to play and chillax.
re-REWIND and re-REMIX.
Now what's that all about?
well. yeah. better do some self checking. i think i just need to zi high.
i didn't get my after-every-exam dose of zi highness.
too much thinking i guess.
Labels: weird much?
[ 6:37 AM ]
yes. bio.
tomorrow is the bio paper. Once that's done i'm left with art.
*dramatic music plays*
i'm not even done with my prep work yet. i'm devoting this whole entire day to bio.
ten full hours til mid night. starting from 1pm which is like over.
about to start on chapt 2 now. And if i finish revising that chapter slightly earlier than the given time, then i get to 'reward' myself by reading a little.
yes. i know its lame right? XD
but it's something to get my mind away from bio.
too much bio can er lead to urm...too much stress.
plus i'm waking up at 3.10am tomorrow.
but WHY 3.10am?
to revise! like duh. Also, it's not at 3am, cause, i heard from my friend that 3am is the time where...hmm. Let's just say it's a 'Magical' time, and i do not wish to see anything 'Magical' at all.
I've been pretty laid back this week.
cause it's like the sciences and art. geog is like whatever.
so yeah.
off to chapter 2: diffusion and osmosis!! >,<
oh, and guys??
Pray for me. I need to score for the sciences. Thanks yall!
Labels: update
[ 4:03 AM ]
alrightie then. yes it's me again. I'm back from ohmygosh chem hell.
The paper was alright. I just hope that *coughsaracough* doesn't get higher than me. :D
rah. i made one annoying careless mistake. i blame myself for panicking too much. >,<
i was upoose to write the formula of potassium and oxygen, and i left that out cause i didn't read the question properly.
also, there was another mistake, where i had to write out the equation(math? no. :D) for when potassium reacts with water.
it's suppose to look like this:
2K + 2H20 ------> 2KOH + H2
But i wrote:
2K + H20 -------> 2KOH + H2
darn it. rah.
now that stupid person's gonna have a higher chance of scoring higher than me.
anyway.on a happier note. ^v^
he photocopied awesome chem notes for me, which my friend then photocopied together with the rest of my chem file.
well, the basic stuff came out.
Praise the LORD.
Labels: update/ rant
[ 8:50 AM ]
Yeah. Instead of 45 mins of ohmygosh silence, it was 45 mins of ohmygosh silence + continuous writing. XD
Yes. it was awesome. (not to brag)
But in my opinion, most of the three five-ians thought that the paper was easy too.
i guessed three five-ians did study for the geog exam! :D
anyways. do you know what's more irritating then *coughsaracough* ? My mom. (shh. XD)
I studies for 6 hrs. SIX FULL HOURS OF CHEMISTRY!!
i came home, and to relax a little, i played the com.
You know what? Then i said like, for one hour or so(time limit for playing), and when i overshot the time limit, she was like GLARING AT ME.
i mean, what's wrong with relaxing??? Why don't YOU try to study for the chem paper and YOU sit for the test?!?!
i mean, i'm not a robot or some hard disk thing. -stop sighing damn you-
i need to rest.
if i study anymore, i would just die.
or ...well yeah. DIE.
so just stop it.
try understanding me for once.
don't you dare.
don't you DARE glare at me you...urm.. PERSON!
anyways, updating, and surfing the net. lol. some people think i'm anorexic.(like so NOT)
i have HUGE thighs, and other than that, i'm happy.
so, as long as i lose the blubbery thighs the 'awesome figure' on my wishlist would be taken down, or replaced by something else.
i thank GOD for bringing me through the geog paper. YEAH.
Labels: update/ rant
[ 7:18 AM ]
Yes, tomorrow is geog. just a short update today.
Well, geog is more or less common sense right? (no offence)
Well, that's what i think.
But this is tough common sense.
argh, after that it's chem(ohnoes!!), followed by Bio(oh crap!) and ART(NOO!).
After Art, it's free and easy!! WHOOO HOO! My DDR awaits me!
well, i'm gonna ask my god mum/dad to get me the ddr thing for my birthday present. first i need to know WHERE to get it.
Anways, after geog, which is like 45 mins of short hell..hmm, lets make that sound nicer. 45 mins of ohmygosh silence, i have to 'tutor' my friends for chem. as if i'm some science freak. XD
It's tough being a student, and now they want me to teach them? Well, i don't really mind, but seriously.
If it helps them, why not?
We are, afterall, the THREE FIVE-IANS '08, right?
-yeah, my class totally rule, and you know that-
well, urm. yeah. Then there's ART to worry about. I know i know. i shouldn't worry. but i seriously need to buck up for art.
i still have the observational stuff, and oh! i almost forgot, i need to do some research on models and expressions.
well, continue to PRAY for me yeah? Thanks.
Cya guys after 9th of may!
by the way, what happened to blogger? you know when you create a post right? what happened to all the stuff? the fonts, font size etc??
Labels: update
[ 4:30 AM ]
yeah. it's over. FINALLEY!
my mind was like some machine thing. i was writing continuously for 2.5 hours. Imagine yourself trying to write continuously for like, 6 hours That will be the death of me.
Fortunately, math paper will only be that long when you're in jc. The questions are like ohmygosh. for example: prove 1+1= 2
Youmay think that jc is far faaaaar away, but its not. In a blink of an eye, everything could fly past and all that's left are memories.
Treasure them..
Don't let them fade away~~
ANYWAYS! I'm gonna finish up my art prep work today. well, at least some of it. The observational bit. Do you know, that a eucharis is damn hard to water colour/ draw?
Well, I hope that everything will go well. Next week is the 'ohmygosh' week, with all the tough papers. -
YES, art is tough-
Hmm, if i were to get an 'A' for math, I would so pester my godmom/dad to buy me the DDR stuff. I love ddr. It's a great workout and it's tones of fun.
well, that's it for today i guess, not much to blog about. my photos here! ^^^linklink^^
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Labels: update
guilt. it's taking over me.
[ 5:37 PM ]
Well, i've been in front of the com since i got home.
and that is very bad.
been doing random quizzes.
watching my closes friends drifting away from me.
i feel like a loser.
on a happier note: i managed to do an awesome drawing of a daffodil.
It's damn hard.
then i tried drawing a eucharis, and destroyed part of my paper.
so now, i'm urm, putting the quiz results here! XD
Your IQ Is 105

Your Logical Intelligence is Above Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional
Your General Knowledge is Average
Your Thinking is Concrete and Sequential

You are precise, orderly, and realistic.
You tend to get to the point and get things done.
Difficult, detailed work is easy for you. You take things step by step.
Time limits aren't a problem for you either. You work well with deadlines.
What does drive you crazy is any sort of task that isn't precisely laid out.
You don't like anything to be ambiguous. You prefer to deal with the facts at hand.
You Are Classical Music

You are a somewhat serious person who enjoys studying subjects deeply.
Art of all kinds interests you, and a good piece of art can really effect you emotionally.
You are inspired by human achievement, and you appreciate work that takes years to accomplish.
For you, the finer things in life are not about snobbery - they're about quality.
You Are 64% Healthy

Your diet is quite healthy, but you don't too crazy with what you eat.
You know how to eat what's good for you, but you're also careful not to deprive yourself.
Labels: random
[ 10:47 AM ]
MATH PAPER IS TOMORROW!!!argh. yes. what am i doing now??rah.
well, i hope i'm able to do it.
*pray* PRAYER can do miraculous things~
so, yeah. i've been facing numbers, inequality signs, number lines, quadratic equations, division signs, unknowns, and a huge chunk of words that i have no idea what it means.
Plus, i got a slight fever.
-SEE? too much math!-
gonna shower now..yes i know its late. XD
ZzZz...Labels: rant
[ 12:18 PM ]
Hmm. i wonder if i can find a nicer skin to top this.yeah, i know, i changed my skin not long ago.Anyway, i came back from tuition like an hour ago.*panic*math is this, ohmygosh (ah, excuse the bimbo-ness).EXPRESS MATH PAPER.the horror!!Yes, like duh, of COURSE i'm scared. Eventhough i have this awesome math tutor. It's my first time taking an express...math paper.There is going to be tones of paragraphs that's gonna make this post long.It's easier to read anyway. :Dwell, i'm gonna do math and chem tomorrow at my tutors place ( *ahem* *ahem* just to study/ revise. Not anything else. )11am to 6pm. rah.anyways, got to go now.ciao!, no. That's not right.Bye!! :DLabels: update