ART: Weekly sketches
[ 11:39 PM ]
Currently putting on hold Oh Wonbin's, Junsu's and Yuchun's portrait cause I just happen to stumble on KAT-TUN. :D Akanishi Jin look hot and so does Kamenashi Kazuya! ;D Of course since I have to do three sketches, Changmin will be added in too.
A woman of distinction, the official day
[ 10:16 PM ]
Oh the joy. My wrist watch beeped annoyingly while I stare at in in shock and frustration as it read 8am. I was late!
After tying my hair for the fifth time, I gave up on it and just left it like that, hoping that it looks neat enough to past the check. Recently I just found out that I could actually do an okay job of tying french pleats. It seem hard at first, but after the next few tries, it got slightly better. The moment my dad stopped the car, I flung the car door open and ran like the wind towards R203 and gosh, I felt extremely unfit.
Taking my seat, a councilor walked by and told me to neaten up my hair a little more. Damn, and I though this time it was pretty neat other than that tuff of hair sticking out like a sore thumb nearing the end of the pleats. So, my next stop was the restroom. It took me less than 3 minutes to tie my usual hairstyle. :D
Then it began after 30 minutes of sitting in the hall, watching a video being played over and over again.
A speech by the principal and the guest of honor, followed by the guitar performance. I must say that the guitar did a great of of playing louder this time. Still, I felt like sleeping. Prize giving ceremony came after that. What a rip off. The school laminated one of the year's certificates but not this year's. Oh and I take back what I said for Choir. Sure, they have beautiful voices but I just don't like that song.
And it goes on, finally coming to an end with the school song, which the Concert Band played faster than usual and slowed down like every single school song they play. They still have some bugs to work out with their in build metronome.
Honestly speaking, I really wanted to just leave after Honor's Day was over. like I said, I was tired. Although that would mean I being an irresponsible committee member and that would mean bad news. My stomach was growling like a Jeannette's in the morning so I headed down to the canteen, sat down and got the rest of the members to fill me in on what they have discussed so far.
The food was alright I guess, but I expected it to be better. D: No eclairs. DARN IT. JOEY GOT TO EAT THEM. Double darn it.
Left school at around 2, bought my lunch and went home to eat it. :D The madness began after lunch as I sat down to do Math for three hours. I did walk around a little in between to get a drink or to stretch, other than that it was numbers, graphs and the same old letters.
Now, I'm trying to find the full version of Love Story by Taylor Swift. that song brings back many fun memories during camp and to top it all off, I have got to do three up to standard weekly sketches for Art.
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[ 10:06 PM ]
Something I found at Joey's blog while searching for that Survivor MV. :D
How rebellious is Melina/Mel/Lyna
[]Gotten detention.
[] Gotten your phone taken away in class.
[] Gotten suspended.
[] Gotten caught chewing gum.
[] Gotten caught cheating on a test.
Total: 0
[x] Arrived late to class more than 5 times.
[x] Didn’t do homework over 5 times
[x] Turned at least 3 projects in late
[x] Missed school cause you felt like it.
[] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class.
Total: 4
[] Got your mom / dad etc. to get you out of school.
[x] Texted people during class.
[x] Passed notes.
[x] Threw stuff across the room.
[x] Laughed at the teacher.
Total: 8
[] Pulled down the fire alarm.
[x] Went on myspace , facebook , xanga , etc. on the computer at school.
[x] Took pictures during school hours.
[x] Called someone during school hours.
[x] Listened to an iPod , CD , etc. during class
Total: 12
[] Threw something at the teacher.
[x] Went outside the classroom without permission.
[x] Broke the dress code.
[] Failed a class.
[x] Ate food during class.
Total: 15
[] Gotten a call from school.
[] Couldn’t go on a field trip cause you behaved badly.
[x] Didn’t take your stuff to school.
[] Gotten a detention and didn't go.
[x] Stuck up your middle finger at a teacher when they were not looking.
[] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear
Total: 17
[x] Faked your parent's signature(That was ages ago! XD)
[x] Slept in class.
[] Cursed at a teacher to their face.
[x] Copied homework
Total: 20
Multiply your score by 3!
20 x 3 = 60%
OMGOSH. I passed! HAHAHAHA. I'm such an ANGEL, no? ;D
Labels: memeeeees
Setting my priorities right.
[ 9:28 PM ]
After being told time and again to set my priorities right(Thanks appa) I'm finally starting to do so. My guilty conscience is really annoying now. Remember the YM notice board? Well, I left it there, uncompleted, showing it's ugliness to whoever walks past. Doreen told me that some of them said that it looked kind of plain, but it just did not went into my head. What good is there when you put so much time and effort to come up with a design and not finish it? So, I have decided to work on it a little more, giving it a slightly new look.
I have half an hour to do some extra things before I go to bed. After having countless late nights, it took me who knows how long to realize that five plus hours of sleep is not sufficient for me. You would constantly find me dozing off in class. So now, I'm going to try to sleep for at least seven hours. Eight hours maximum as anything past that amount of time would make me feel lethargic.
After doing up the names whose birthday falls in March and the service timings, I guess I'm just about done for now. All that's left is to measure how big the current 'timings' space is and do up a 'whats up' corner over it. Next would be the rearrangement of photos and adding the hook for it. Hopefully Doreen replys to my message regarding the other timings so that I can stick them up on the board by tomorrow.
I honestly hope that the YMers would like it and that everything would turn out alright.
A Woman of distinction
[ 9:07 PM ]
Honors Day 2009. I thought this day would be enjoyable and memorable. Looks like things took a turn to the worst this time round. Every year, the Concert band would perform some wonderful pieces for the guests and students. However, this year, the Concert Band hardly played anything for Honors Day. The only thing you would hear from them is the short welcoming piece to welcome the guest of honor and the school song before we end this thing.
Although the guitar peeps still stick to playing this year, their songs were not that great either. Both songs were too soft as there were no microphones. Not only that, it put me to sleep. Fine, that doesn't really count as all the winners were exhausted from the long hours of rehearsals for the big day. At least the Choir was good. :D
No doubt, it's our special day, a day to honor us for our academic success. But please, spare a thought for us all and speed up the rehearsals. In total we had to sit in the hall for four to five hours(for the two days of course), and having to go through the whole sequence four times.
*sighs* That's Honors Day for you.
Labels: just not my cup of sundae
[ 11:29 PM ]
These ghosts came alivelike water and wine Walk through these streetssinging songs and carrying signsTo them these streets belongLabels: ...
[ 4:06 PM ]
Finally, after a week long of hard work CAs end as of today. Now I can sleep earlier and not suffer from annoying headaches exactly like the one I got at Shanghai. After missing all my wake up calls I finally woke up at 5 plus this morning when I was suppose to be up and studying for Biology. Although I was furious at myself for over sleeping, I was thankful that I did cause I studied to just about the right point to get a good mark for Biology. As for SS( Yes, they are on the same day and that just sucks), relief swept over me as my friends told me that it was SBQ. Meaning that reading up on the text book is redundant as you can't use contextual knowledge when doing SBQs. :D
Oh and when thishappens, it wasn't my fault. The 'space' key is dyiing on me.
Labels: the bright side of life~
[ 3:48 PM ]
Oh yes, I'm back. Where's the welcoming committee? :D Anyway, my computer's hard disc crashed AGAIN. This is the third time and it's driving me nuts 'cause it picks exactly the right timing to spoil. The ART AND PROJECTS time. D: The laptop was not able to connect to the internet either so I was totally cut off from the cyber world. Sad, no?
Well, due to the countless tests I have had so far and countless projects, life has been very busy lately. Although it was better than when there were compulsory Global Village meetings to attend and props to make. To top it all off, Art was making things look worst than it already is. Oh well, finally it's over. Even though we did not win the prize, we still enjoyed ourselves and it was a once in a life time experience. I absolutely can't wait to see Celeste again! :D
Since I'm back online, my five sketches should be done by this weekend. :D With the colours and compositions completed too! By the way, if you see any of the words thatsticktogetherlike that,I blame the super sharp wires. BRACES! I FINALLY GOT BRACES! And the rubber band is baby blue in colour. Awesome-ness, no? Looks like my perfect teeth will come in about two and a half years time.I wonder how I'll look like then...
Speaking of braces, they are annoying me. Not only do I have an injury because of the wires, I'm on a soft diet too, which makes me whine everytime I see my friends eat normal food. The words stick like thesebecause the injury is on my fore finger of my right hand. My RIGHT hand. My WRITING HAND. D: More importantly, my DRAWING HAND. Thankfully, I'm doing water colours this year, so I guess it should be alright.
That's about it I guess. Got to have my 'lunch'. Cheers!
Same old same old.
[ 9:11 PM ]
I just found out today that I need peace and quiet to really produce a proper drawing. For the first time since my appa bought me my sketch book, I have not torn out a single piece of paper out of it until today. All because of a failed drawing of Yunho's pretty face. D: I really could not draw today. The only thing I did was to edit the G-dragon drawing and decide if I should keep it or not. It looks rather alright and more changes can be made next time so I'm keeping it. :D I am so not giving away or throwing or even crush a rather good sketch of G-dragon or anyone I draw. NEVER.
It's official. For the later drawings in my sketch book, Yunho(DBSK), Key(Shinee), Jonghyun(Shinee), WonBin(former guitarist of FT island) and Junsu(DBSK) are the chosen ones. Now that's a total of five people to draw. OH WOW. In any order, of course. First up is WonBin, 'cause he is HOT. No, seriously! :D Yunho was the first one that came into my mind, but after seeing WonBin, he got pushed to second. Oh well. All is fair in love and war. HAHAH. That hardly even makes any sense.
Anyhoo, the past few days have been the usual, I guess. Homework is piling up to sky high. The 'O' levels are stressing me out like never before and school is just draining. After coming home from school, all the couches or anything soft and comfy makes me want to fall asleep, waking up only about 30 minutes before shower time. Friday's assembly is dub the most horrible assembly period EVER. Like, EVER. D:
And when I say homework, I mean ART homework. We have to finish at least five sketches and one weekly sketch by the next lesson, which is on Wednesday. OH THE JOY. Of course, not to forget Math and Geography. However, there are no Geography lessons next week as they fall on Mondays and Wednesdays. Monday is a day off while Friday is being taken up for the so totally awesome, cool and exciting self awareness camp!(8 more days!)
On the 3rd, 10th and 17th of February I have to go to the orthodontist for my braces. Which means I'll be missing school. Think of the stacks of homework that will be under my desk when I get back. ): Or maybe Hui Ying to do me a few favors and pass me the homework after school since we live only a few blocks away from each other.
The worst thing is, I'm only able to take in soft food after the 3rd. For a few days that is, and that includes camp. ):
GOODNIGHT WORLD. There's too many things on my mind distracting me from doing a proper blog post. Let alone produce a good drawing.
Almost forgot. The words on Abby's navigational buttons are <3
The whispers turn to shouting
The shouting turns to tears
Your tears turn to Laughter
And it takes away our fears
Just remembered something today. After service ended, my stomach was growling like hell and hunger was making me feel weak. Not weak, but FEEL weak. There's a difference. The piping hot plate of food stared and me and I could no longer resist. It was only after a few mouthfuls did I stop eating. Hungry, yes indeed. But my mind over matter was too strong for me to take in another spoonful of rice. Whining to Xuewei only makes things worst. So, in the end, I went home on a rather empty stomach and ate who knows how much CNY goodies that were on the table. Pig I tell ya. PIG.
Labels: update
This should have been our class motto. :D
[ 8:52 PM ]

If only we found out sooner and had not sent the shirt for printing yet. Oh well, four fivians oh nine is still the coolest class! :D Too cool for you!
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