Like I said.
[ 2:08 AM ]
Won't be sleeping much tonight. Oh, gamers update. (:
Appa finally bought Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Although I have already beaten both Kingdom hearts 1 and 2, it's still good to know what happened in between the two. :D Finished Tranverse Town. Gosh, it brings back wonderful memories of thrashing the heartless.
Am currently at Olympus Coliseum and that I got stuck on Hades the previous time when I played the GBA version. D: Oh well, at least I got to see Cloud again. He is just extremely annoying. After the forth try, he finally went down. Oh yeah, face the awesome wrath of Lyna yo. ;D He kept stocking cards that beat my cards. I had to suffer quite a lot of damage before breaking his cards, meaning that I had to reload the whole deck who knows how many times to get the Heal card while trying to dodge his attacks. He and his big sword. Pfft.
Thankfully one needs time to to get back to the game when a cardbreak happens, so I grabbed that chance to attack him with all I got. Also, when he is reloads his cards, he does it all at one go so that gave me time to reload too.
Good thing about the PS2 version of KH: Chain of Memories is that it's like the usual KH style. No stupid small buttons and horrible blocky tiny characters. The bad thing is that you can't really see your whole surroundings(gamers, do you get what I mean?), like the GBA version. Still, the PS2 version wins by a landslide. With so many plus points, I'm glad that appa bought it. :D
I almost forgot. DMC 3 update. Last three missions to go! Can't wait to defeat Vergil once and for all. OH YEAH. ;D Won't be playing till later in the year, like holidays and such.
End of gamers update. Heh.
Cheers, still got Art and Geog to do. I'm so not doing SS cause I'm too lazy to think. D:
Labels: lil miss random strikes again
Ah. Won't be sleeping much tonight.
[ 10:03 PM ]
Homework not done: Humanities and Art. D:
[ 12:30 AM ]
Has a nice ring to it, no :D
Labels: ♥
Glitter free zone.
[ 12:24 AM ]
My house is more or less glitter free. After coming home from church, I tried finishing Abby's Card. More or less half way done. :D
[ 10:43 PM ]
Earth wired was THE AWESOME-NESS YO! :D I finally got to see the Connect! Campers '08 and of course, some new faces.
We we split into 20 groups with one member from each church in one group. Two was the maximum. So, I was all alone, staring into space when the helper appointed me as the Team leader, reason being that I was sitting in front. But it was not me who was chosen to be TL first, the helper picked Clarence, the boy who was sitting behind me. He then pushed the job to me, so i started hitting him with the TL cloth thing. I doubt he felt anything cause he was smiling throughout the whole time. Thankfully John was in the group so I passed the role to him. To be honest, I'm more of a follower than a leader, but a very enthusiastic follower when it comes to things like these. (:
Even before the first game, I made a new friend, or rather two. Dorothy and Jocelyn my new mates! :D Anyhoo, after the first ice breaker game, infection or something like that, we moved on to the station games. Before I go any further,
WE BURST THE BALL! GO TEAM 16 A.K.A. EN CI! Well, the story behind this random-ness is because, one of the station games was to push a huge air ball to the opponent team's base. At the last few minutes of the game both teams rushed towards the ball. With only one member from my team and five members from the opponent's, the ball burst when the two teams collided with the ball. Cowen and Caleb Mah, our secret weapons! ;D
after that there was Ice hockey that was played in the car park, followed by a soapy game, the Frisbee game and then a finale game. A finale game wouldn't be a finale game without WATER BOMBS! Heck, any CAC events or camps without water bombs in it just wouldn't be the same. The name of the game is
LOLLIPOP! :D Since there are Group names in both Chinese and English, teams must find their counter parts. For example, Love would team up with ai. Each team was given 10 minutes to fill up 80 water bombs(I know, that's just a tad too little). Every team has a 'lollipop' that is made out of a bamboo pole, a hula hoop and newspaper(try imagining a 2D lollipop out of that). The main objective of the game is to make a hole in the 'lollipop' of the opponent's team.
En Ci beat two groups yo. :D The last two groups who have yet to gone up that is. Not only did we left the place victorious, most of us including me, went off dry. Little did I know, Wee Chong ambushed me and I got hit. So, for the next one hour or so I went around looking for him to show him the wrath of Lyna. XD
Dinner was the awesome-ness. we sat right in the middle of the place with kindergarten tables and chairs. Then Na came up and added kenna-colors to our life. HAHAHA. While having dinner we had the other members to guess the age of another member. I look like a 20 year old according to (starting from the person sitting on my right) Clarence, John, Cowen, Abel, Caleb and Dorothy. Oh yeah, speaking of Clarence, he is a 14 year old( but he doesn't look like one, to me at least) who is very tall for his age. 171cm yo. I feel like a migit beside him. Of course, not to forget the oh so adorable MAY! :D
Psst! Even Dorothy admitted that
Claire is pretty. HAHAHA. Ended the day with photo taking and countless goodbyes.
Labels: ♥
[ 12:01 AM ]
I feel like crying and I have absolutely no idea why.
Good bye world.
One more day to the long waited one week break!
[ 11:24 PM ]
Once tomorrow is over, gosh, it's going to be pure fun.
Right after I finish my holiday homework of course. :D Let's see...
Math: Revision worksheet on Statistics
2004 exam paper
Chinese: Read through and makes notes for oral questions
Art: Finish prep work
Finish final work
Do five more weekly sketches(once a day, weekdays only!)
Geography: Highlight the key points in chapters 11, 12 and 13
Write in workbook
That's about it
I guess. :D compared to the express students, my class got lesser homework. Manseh!
Of course not to forget the oh-so-fabulous class outing on the 19th and my 2.4 trainings! :D Will be starting 2.4 training tomorrow.
Cheers, will be getting up early tomorrow for my 2.4 training. ;D
I want to know you more, much more, to remove all the invisible barriers. So, I turn to your blog for help, but reading it only makes it worst. Your words may seem to radiate happiness but what I see is sadness and pain. It hurts to even see you like that and I honestly don't know why.
Leave me alone, i never want to see you ever again. Some things are better left untouched, don't you know? You might just shatter the mask that I have made so perfectly and set free my emotions. Bringing back horrible, heart breaking memories of the past.
Labels: ♥
Raining kitties and huskys.
[ 3:41 PM ]
Boom. Crash. Shiver. Tremble. Hide. SKETCH.
Guess! :D
[ 10:47 PM ]
Try it. Just think of a character and answer a number of questions. It got Chunli right yo. Chunli as in, Chunli from Street Fighters. ;D What are the odds of that happening. :/
[ 10:05 PM ]
Sketch number six, Changmin FINISHED! :D
Freedom! :D
[ 9:02 PM ]
Math test is finally over. Praise the Lord!
Lord, I thank you for providing me with the determination to do well and also the energy to study, to be able to keep fresh while doing the paper. Thank you, for helping me to put away all distractions, clearing my head so that I am able to do the paper. Thank you, for providing me with such wonderful parents. Although they are not perfect, but they are just all I need. Thank you for giving me such wonderful angels to be there when I need them. But most of all, thank you for letting me know that you are God, that you are our Father. And that we can do all things through you. :D
AMEN! <3
Labels: thank you
[ 4:15 PM ]

You can't play broken strings,
you can't feel anything.
Despite today being an early day as I was let off at 1pm, I just got home not too long ago. Today was the due date for returning some books I borrowed for Art, lest I get get fined like the previous time. While at the library, there were some things to do for my CCA camp that is coming up real soon. I can't really reveal anything right now although what I can say is that I hope yall AA members clocked some hours at the library before. ;D
As for school, it was pretty relaxing as there weren't that many subjects. PoA however, was a little frustrating. Making sure that I did the necessary changes to the balance sheet, it still could not balance. When was the last time I really balanced one myself, I'm not sure either. D:
There's a Math test on kinematics tomorrow and I'm totally freaking out now. Cheers! got to revise Math and do Art. ;D
Labels: just another random update